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After the event in town, Maeve and Nisara return home before Alosrin and Niowei to prepare a gift of accommodation.

"What should we do?" Maeve asks his child sitting beside him playing with the bell on his ankle as he sorts through his piles of textile goods.

"Mama!" Nisara starts off well and the rest is gibberish.

"Yes, spring is almost here. Let's prepare something for him to wipe his nose with," Maeve laughs at the thought of it.

They move to the garden as Maeve embroiders a meritorious design on a piece of white silk.

"It has been so long since there isn't anyone blocking the pathway between me and you," William enters the garden in a very sober state.

Maeve quickly drops what he's doing and takes Nisara into his arms.

"I won't hurt you two, I just want to talk," William kneels before Maeve with a painful expression.

He snatches the Queen's hand and begs, "Please, let's elope together. I'll die if I don't have you."

"I'm married," Maeve gives a loud sigh. "And you are too."

"How? He rode into town with another person by his side?" William grinds his teeth furiously.

Nisara cries from the sudden startle.

Maeve pulls his hand away from William and comforts his son, "It's okay. Mama is here."

"Please Maeve, why won't you even give me a chance to prove myself to you? What's the point of this faithfulness you have for him with nothing but suffering in return?"

Maeve couldn't listen anymore as his focus is on the royal blue cloak with gold accents that is standing right behind William.

A sword finds itself at William's throat.

"Move away from my wife," the voice is thunderous but William simply grabs the edges of the sword with his bare hands.

"Had he ever care or have you constantly in his mind like I have?"

Maeve has his eyes locked with the murderous glare of the King.

"Your son is right here," Maeve reminds Nillin with soft dried lips. "Please be mindful of him."

"Is he the reason you didn't want to be with me?" The blood vessels in Nillin's eyes pop one right after another.

The King's attendance finally shows up in the background.

William scoffs after a brief moment of superiority, "I see. Even the King can't take the Queen's heart with all his wealth and fame. Then who can?"

Nillin plans to dive his sword deeper into William's throat but Wylton jumps to hold the sword and begs, "My King, my brother is young, but I ask for his pardon. He shall never speak this way again."

"I don't need your help, Wylton! If I can't have Maeve, I'll never let anyone else have him!" William stands and turns to face Nillin's with no fear of authority nor death and sniffs the silky halfdoned handkerchief that he stole.

Without seeing what William had done, Maeve knitted his brows and says, "I'm sorry you both feel I am a price that can be won or negotiated."

He quickly gathers his things and turns to walk with Nisara in arm.

"Maeve—I didn't mean it that way," William rushes to Maeve but his brother blocked his path.

"I need you to quit this ludicrous fantasy. Your wife, Theia, is waiting for you at home!" Wylton whispered angrily into his brother's ear.

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