The Answers for Jotan

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After Carcyne left Caria and I to tell grandmother about my dreams in whatever way, Caria leads me from my room and into a hall with food like its coming out of the horn of a Jgeon monarch.

I'm sure I have referenced Jge and it's people, Jgeons, enough times for you to question where is this place and what are those people.

Let me explain-shit. Got that from Jotan.

Just as there are dragons ruling the tallest peaks in the sky, mermen rule the deepest depths of the sea. One of its greatest city-state and longest reigning civilization is Jge.

It is also where my mother and also Joan, my brother Gozen's wife, are from.

Anyway, the hall is set up in a way where every leader is respected and yet easily identifiable of who are their subordinates.

Caria guides me to sit near the center seat of the long table on the south side on a elevated stage, there is another long table on the stage where Jotan sits at the center, and below are rows of long tables arranged in a semicircle with a Master or Lord at the head.

Jotan smiles when he sees me and stands up to raise a glass of wine in my honor.

"My father, Master Campan Leire, may have left us, but I, the new Master Jotan Leire, have arranged this feast to celebrate Princess Maeve's coup d'état."

The others flinch when they heard the title 'Princess' to my name because I am clearly wearing black masculine apparels.

Griflet who sits on my right whispers into my ear, "Stand up and announce yourself as 'Lord Maeve, first wife of Prince Nillin' and thank him for arranging the feast."

"I, Prince Maeve, tenth son of King Lozen, want to thank Master Jotan Leire for celebrating Prince Nillin's revolution thereby also making it less of an idea and a step closer to action."

Lexin nods in satisfactory whereas Griflet tries to not show his anger. I know I should stay under Nillin's name for I am here due to his status, but I want to see how far I can go without being attached to 'him' and only using my birthright.

"But I have not forgotten the Lords and Masters who have supported 'us' before we are face-to-face as we are right here. Thank you all for everything!"

Each Master and Lord are different and they join us for different causes.

For example, Master Lexin only joins because of Lesly and I, and Master Donita only joins because Master Lexin did.

Lord Jin likewise joins because he is supposedly Prince Niltiocles's closest friend.

However, others join because they are lacking respect from King Nir and are hoping to have better 'rewards' than what they have now...

For some, I haven't a clue perhaps...

I sit back down.

Lexin stands, "With the addition of the Leire f-"

The doors to the hall swing open by a heavy kick. There in the middle where the light from the outside leaks in stands another one with chestnut hair that flows like a quiet stream.

This one is less tidy than Borscht and Jotan, his facial hair is long and oily. He dresses as if he is king, but smells like he is picked off the streets.

"Did 'I' die and allow you to be the next Master Leire?" The man shouts from the doors. His voice echoes throughout the hall and every eardrum.

His eyes shift from Jotan and passes me to Borscht who sits beside Griflet. He scoffs, "Cute little brother, you sitting there proves my point exactly. It is I who inherited the title of Master Leire."

I along with the majority of the guests are puzzled; and yet we judge that Jotan is superior to this man who is claiming to have inherited the title of Master Leire.

Borscht waits for a nod from Griflet to say, "Elder brother, if you can say that Leire joins Prince Nillin's Revolution, then I will support 'you' being our father's firstborn."

What's this? Brother betraying brother? Is this what Jotan was referring to last night?

I steal a glance of Jotan on long table to my left.

Somehow it's not bothering him at all. No. It's more like he is playing a complicated game of chess with a child.

Furthermore, with his last words from earlier, I'm sure Jotan was planning to announce the alliance regardless of me answering his two questions.

So why would Borscht asks that?

"It will be against father's will," the man grinds his teeth and pulls out a spear directing it at Jotan. "And 'you' knew full well."

The Masters and Lords look at one another all thinking about leaving this very room.

I turn to Griflet who is stoic and unpleased.

Similar to the Sinowii family, the Leire family is loyal to the Aarthian royalties and especially to the monarch. Per contra, Sinowii is loyal to who is more royal whereas Leire is loyal to the throne.

In this aspect, it will be Jotan who will change that.

"There are three principle desires in the human heart. First and foremost, it is to be born beautiful so that we can choose who we married and for them to choose us," I sit in my chair as I look at nothing and begin to answer Jotan's first question.

"Second, it is to be born with wealth and power so that we can do whatever we want. Third and lastly, it is to be born into fame and respect so that we are recognized and loved by the people around us."

Jotan smiles and turns to me. Others are confused especially the man with the messy chestnut brown hair.

"But to lack anyone of them is to live without freedom." I look up to see the people staring at me.

"If I have to choose only one, I will choose beauty because then maybe I will be loved by the one I married to and perhaps live a joyous life even I drink water and lick only one grain of salt a day."

"And your next answer?" Jotan asks.

"Trust those who can fulfill your goals whether they are your friends or enemies. Just as I trust you, Master Jotan Leire of Thempolis, to fulfill your promise to me."

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