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"Charm?" Aguano looks down at his hands and then to Borscht, Caria, and also to me. "With that baby face?"

I feel blood flushing to my head.

This is so embarrassing. I rather be called 'ugly' then 'baby face'.

"Woah! You're so red!" Aguano sits up on the bed with a curious face.

Borscht coughs, "Aguano. Please. Don't."

"Little brother. You can't blame me for pointing it out," Aguano turns to me with a smirk. "I'm pretty sure it wasn't your looks that charmed your Prince, so what is it?"

Could this be my chance?

I put on a smile trying to pretend to be superior. "Follow me and I teach you how to charm your way to the title of Master Leire."

"Lord Maeve!" Borscht and Caria flinch, "W-what are you-"

"I meant what I say; and I'm sure Master Jotan Leire will also appreciate it."

"Who is this kid? Borscht," Aguano raises an eyebrow.

This is good. I caught his attention.

"Lord Maeve isn't a kid. He is the spouse of Prince Nillin and the tenth son of the 'Bandit' King in the Western Mountains," Borscht causally explain.

Borscht says 'Bandit' hesitantly because it's how Aarthian identify us and yet he doesn't want to offend me.

Aguano shakes his head, "Tsk. Tsk. No wonder he talks like this. He's the son of bandits."

"Aguano!" Borscht is bright red. "I'm sorry Lord Maeve. Please don't mind my brother, he has no filter."

"No. I don't mind." I wish I can speak as freely as he can.

In actuality, I wonder how he is able to speak so freely when he is the first or second (however you define it) son of a Master Leire.

The smelly chestnut brown hair crosses his arms behind the iron bars. "Alright. I'm actually-no. I'm very curious as to how the 'tenth' son of a 'bandit' is able to become a 'Princess'."

Caria rolls her eyes. I'm glad she's able to feel my pain in some way.

"I will offer what I already offered-"

"And that is..."

"Follow me."

"Oh yeah..." Aguano chuckles, "I like you. Yeah, I don't mind following someone like you."

Something feels lifted inside me. This is a great accomplishment.

later, I was somehow able to convince Jotan allow Aguano to be his representative when the other Masters and Lords leave a representative of themselves to come along with us.

When we reach our next destination to the city of... Boursic?

The first thing I notice is how big the place is. It alone is a small castle. This reminds me what Lexin said about his castle on an island in the south.

Aarth is rich as fuck to be able to give this kind of rewards to its war veterans.

Once we get closer to the entrance of the place, after a long five minutes walk from the midgate along a straight path of gravel to the actual front door, the workers give me rather odd looks.

Little did I know, my face is on the giant paintings of almost every wall once we're inside.

"What's going on here?" I whispers, and the people who came with me are just as dumbfounded.

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