New Family

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When Nilyan notices that around him, everyone has gotten busier, he is told that they are preparing for Borscht's departure to Port City.

Immediately, Nilyan tries to confront Borscht because for the past few days he patiently awaited for an explanation that never came. He couldn't allow for further miscommunications if Borscht is going to leave for a period of time.

His search for Borscht led him from one place to another until he at last found Borscht in their daughter's room and sleeping with her.

Nilyan sits in front of them with an unfamiliar squashy sensation from deep in his stomach.

"I'm not attracted to you the slightest, but if you can help our daughter sleep... I guess I can accept you for that," Nilyan sighs with an unpleasant expression.

Just after the sun set in the East, Borscht finally opens his eyes.

"Finally awake?" Nilyan stares at his soon to be bride kindly.

Borscht gets up and looks around the room until he sees his daughter sleeping in her crib. He sighs quietly and decides to leave, completely ignoring Nilyan's question.

The Prince quickly sprints toward Borscht and cages him to the wall with his arms as firm as steel.

"How long are you going to avoid me?" Nilyan lowers his head to meet with Borscht.

"I'm currently the Regent Master of this city. I can avoid or meet whoever I want," Borscht answers only when he determines that Nilyan isn't going to let him go easily.

"I can see that but regardless, I would like for us to discuss a compromise for Princess Nilavie—"

"I'm a busy person, but I'll provide her whatever she may need. I'll visit her whenever I can, unless you decide that I shouldn't be a part of her life," Borscht ducks under Nilyan's arm and goes to sit on an armchair. "What else do you want to 'discuss'?"

Nilyan follows and sits across from Borscht, "Why didn't you tell me you're leaving for Port City?"

"Do you even know where that is?" Borscht raises an eyebrow with a condescending manner.

"Down the Golden Rose River where it meets the sea and seven hundred kilometers Northeast of Asandria."

Borscht nods in satisfaction, "I didn't tell you because I don't need to and it's unnecessary for you to know. For example, now that you know what you are going to do with that information?"

"It's simply good to know," Nilyan answers with confidence. "Also, I may not have the right to say this but I don't want you to go. You just gave birth, your body is weak, and Thempolis still needs you."

"Aarth needs me more," Borscht retorts.

The Prince wears a frown, "Then I'll go. I am their Prince after all."

"Then what? Do you even know why I'm needed there?"

"I do know why and that's why I should go instead. Everyone may report everything to you, but I walk on the same streets as them. I know they're worried even if we're this up North."

Borscht looks away after his heart throbs the slightest. He did not expect for Nilyan to know so much and be this sincere.

"Alright? I'll even ask Jassin to come along... So stay with her," Nilyan glances over at the crib, already saddened.

Borscht could see that Nilyan is very attached to their daughter unlike himself, "You're very admirable, but Aarth doesn't need your allegiance. Just stay here with your daughter."

"Lord Borscht!" The door slams open without regards to common sense.

"What is it?" Borscht gets up and approaches the door as if his conversation with Nilyan is already done with.

"Prince Nien, his wife, Fiona, and their daughter, Princess Nalcibiades, are here. They would like to speak with you, Lord Borscht."

"What about the Eastern border? Did Huca attack as soon as we gave them the—"

Borscht stops himself, glances at Nilyan, and then proceeds to leave the room.

"I need to hear this as well," Nilyan quickly follows behind them and the maids quickly enters the room.

They enter the Main Hall where Nien and her family await for a presence with Borscht.

"Good evening, Prince Nien and family," Borscht lowers his head to greet them.

"Good evening to you as well, Lord Borscht and Prince Nilyan of Thempolis," Nien and Fiona stand up to greet their hosts.

"You must be hungry. Please have dinner with us," Borscht grins softly before glaring at his attendants to get everything ready.

"Then we shall gladly accept your offer," Nien answers and hugs her wife and daughter as they follow Borscht and others to a dining hall.

Before the food arrives, Nien glances back and forth between Nilyan and Borscht, "I heard you two had a child?"

"Yes, Prince Nien. Her name is Princess Nilavie," Borscht answers quickly to avoid Nilyan making a fool of himself.

And then the food arrives, Nien glances at Fiona before she says, "I would like to get right to the point. Maeve asked us to pick up some supplies from you and then head to Port City. He also asked if Leire, Sinowii, and Leonida would send some support to the East until I returned home."

"The Queen did?" Borscht makes a confused expression.

"Do you think I'll come here and then go to Port City if Nillin asked me?" Nien takes her daughter and whispers to Fiona, "You're so nervous. Eat some. They're very good."

Fiona takes a few bites and whispers back to Nien, "You're too straightforward."

"I see. When does Prince Nien plan to leave? The preparation can be done as soon as tomorrow morning." Borscht has yet to eat a single bite himself.

Nien smiles and directs the question to her wife, who nods and answers, "We'll leave tomorrow morning. Thank you for everything, Lord Borscht."

"No. It's my pleasure," Borscht smiles.

Nilyan who has been quite the entire time leans close to Borscht and whispers, "Why are you flirting with a married couple?"

"I'm not flirting," Borscht whispers annoyingly back.

"Yes you are. Who even smiles that much if not in front of the person they like?"

Borscht rolls his eyes, "That's called being friendly, not flirting. And why do you care?"

Nilyan is stumped, but replies after a moment of silently thinking, "Because that's my brother and his wife."

"Then smiling should've definitely registered as friendliness and not flirting as they're also my brother and sister-in-law through my soon marriage."

"They are such newlyweds. Right, Fife?" Nien kisses her wife and smirks confidently.

Borscht glowers at Nilyan because he mimics Nien and then answers, "Sorry. We're still new to this."

"Well, Nilyan did you know Borscht was a huge womanizer way back before his engaged days?" Nien nods his head with a smug grin.

Fiona pulls at Nien's elbow and whispers, "Stop. You're making our hosts uncomfortable."

"It's alright," Borscht and Nilyan say together. Nilyan laughs, "I know my wife was a womanizer. Even now, he still can't look away when he sees a beautiful woman like your wife."

Borscht closes his eyes and counts to ten, "I apologize for Prince Nilyan's comment."

"No. We should be the one apologizing. Anyway, we apologize for bringing up your past like that, Lord Borscht," Fiona lowers her head.

After this, Nien and Nilyan continue to make inappropriate comments throughout dinner.

However, when the new day arises, Nien, Fiona, and Nalcibiades bid their farewells and advance toward the vulnerable city in the South.

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