Old Friends

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Early the next morning, Artemis goes to Alosrin and Niowei's room, inviting them to breakfast.

"Sorry, we were planning to have breakfast in the city," Alosrin holds onto his daughter's hand when he answers the door for Artemis.

Artemis takes note of the scarves that cover their heads, "Is that enough? Hiding from the fairies will be tough."

"We should be alright. Dragons may not like fairies, but they're the long lost brothers of elves," Alosrin shrugs his shoulders.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like you're trying to avoid the Viliiennes," Artemis stares into the elf's green eyes.

Without saying anything, Alosrin sighs and takes Niowei and himself out of the room.

The strong dragon tails behind him, "It wasn't your fault. If you were there, I'm sure these thirty years would've turned out differently."

Alosrin's face is still stoic when he heard Artemis defend him, yet he blames himself that it happened because 'he' wasn't there.

He bared his face through last night at supper because he would've been a terrible guest to not be there.

But today is different.

Alosrin couldn't possibly show his face to the family whose son he indirectly murdered.

"How is running away any good?" Artemis stops Alosrin with a grip on the shoulder.

"It helps me to ignore my problems."

Alosrin tears Artemis's hand away and proceeds to the city below the mountains they're on.

They skip along the street and looking for the bank with three leaves.

The bank with three leaves is not made by humans, but by myths and for all.

The family of two step inside the building with the three leaves and waits in line for their turn.

Once they're with an employee, Alosrin declares, "I would like to withdraw."

"I would like to see your seal please," the employee asks although she suspects the person before herself is the legendary Alosrin.

"Yes," Alosrin pulls out a golden seal out of his trousers and hands it to her.

She matches the numbers on the seal with a log book behind her.

"I'm sorry sir, but this account is on Paused because so many people are claiming to be ownership of it."

Alosrin raises an eyebrow, "Who are claiming it?"

"That is classified. If you want to Unpause the account, you'll have to sign a paper of verification and are able to verify your identity."

"Who is your manager? Is it still the same person from thirty years ago?" Alosrin is hoping to get around the paperwork since it will be tedious and long.

"Who's asking for me?" A woman with coarse curly sandy hair with red lips pops from behind the employee.


"Alosrin?" Sandy gasps, "Oh heavens have mercy. Is that really you?"

"Yes. You don't seem to have aged like everyone else I've met," Alosrin uncover his ears.

"I thought you were dead! Everyone thought you were dead!" Sandy jumps over the counter and hugs the stoic elf.

She turns to her employee, "Make the necessary preparation to Unpause his account. I'll come back and vouch for his verification after I have a meal with him."

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