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With child? So pregnant? Why? How? When? Which time?

I can't be pregnant b-because that means I'll have to give birth. No. No. No. Absolutely not.

"Pregnant?" Kay comes from Caria to stand with the rest of us.

Carcyne nods her head and crosses her arms, "Yes. Did you seriously think the Queen would've allowed Milord to leave otherwise? Or have me travel with Milord?"

My heart is beating fast and I don't know what to do.

Pregnant. Baby. Giving birth... And that is the last thing I remember until I hear Griflet waking Kay up for watch and he goes downstairs.

Probably going to have a chat with the 'Master Lexin Hienzworth of Asandria'.

While I continue to pretend sleeping, Lesly walks up the stairs and tell Kay, "My brother will take care of everything so you all can stay up here. No need for hiding."

Then she leaves too.

All things considered, I think I would rather die right now than give birth. The act of it is too scary.

Also, there are so many things that can go wrong up to giving birth and while during labor and afterwards as well.

It must be nice to be Nillin. He just pumps me with his seeds and then leaves me with the baby until whenever he feels like taking care of us. When I see him, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

But it's actually my grandmother's fault in a way. She insists that we make a baby and she won't leaves us be until Carcyne confirmed the pregnancy.

If I am going to give faults, I would have the most faults, so I should just blame everything on myself. For example, I could've marry my sister; I could've said I didn't want to marry Nillin when my father asked me; and I could've not have sex.

Blaming myself is too easy. It's much, much easier than blaming others...

I'm pretty sure this child doesn't mean Nillin won't marry Princess Cassiopeya. It only means I'm pregnant with his child.

What am I going to do? Should I even do anything? Actually, why did grandmother even have me look for my last blood relation. I rather never see her again even if she's my mother.

If I'm going to become a mother with this child of Nillin, I should definitely not be like my mother. I should be like my adopted mother and grandmother. No, maybe not. They're too overprotective.

Will I be overprotective?


Of course. What am I even thinking? I will fucking kill anyone hurting a part of me because I don't like pain and hurting my child is like hurting me.

"Lord Maeve," Kay squats above my pillow (I and the rest sleep on the floor with futons by the way). "Does your stomach hurt? You keep shivering."

"No. I'm good, thank you," I reply and go back to pretending to sleep.

Moments later, Caria is awake from her ephemeral coma. Kay immediately attends to her attention.

"Is Lord Maeve okay?" I hear her gentle whisper. Kay soothes her, and there's a rusting noise as if he's brushing her hair with his hand.

Again, I must point out the obviousness of Kay's romantic feelings toward the cute Caria.

"Yes. Lord Maeve is okay," his words are soft like a love song.

I peek a little to see how cute can they be, but all I see is Borscht's bitter face. Does he actually like Caria as well?

Borscht takes notice of me and quickly fixes his face.

I suck my lips. I feel terrible for eavesdropping on their love triangle.

But at the same time, it's not like I know these things because I want to. It is bluntly obvious to the point that even the three of them know it themselves.

Then we all freeze as we hear steps running up to our room.

My eyes meet with each one of them. They all seem too surprise to do anything about.

Furthermore, it sounds like there are at least three people...

Wait, could these three be from the group of eight last night? I thought Lesly said her brother took care of everything so we don't have to be afraid.

I quickly get up from my futon, and with simple hand signals I am able to instruct Borscht and Kay to hide behind the screen dividers without making any noises.

As for the futons, I pill them all together in a big mess. If I don't do that, I afraid they might be able to tell that more persons than Caria, Carcyne and I slept here last night.

With my back still turn away from the staircase, I hear people who are out of breaths standing behind me.

I take in a deep breath before I greet them.

"Incredible!" The young blond man from last night smiles almost sarcastically, and behind him are Griflet and Lesly.

"This is absolutely incredible! Things are getting interesting."

I put on an awkward smile as I look back and forth between Griflet and Lesly.

"Sorry," Lesly puffs angrily at the beautiful man with the morning blue eyes and soft blond hair. "My brother is an idiot."

Oh. So this young and beautiful man in none other than the Master Lexin Heinzworth of Asandria.

I nod my head along.

Lesly steps in front of Lexin and a step closer to me. I think it's improper so I step aback.

"I knew you are Nillin's male wife!" Lesly nods her head like she was right this whole time, which she is. I think.

Again, I put on an awkward smile asking for help from Griflet.


Lexin interrupts Griflet, "Then I will support Nillin's cause as long as he comply with the previous condition including the next one I'm about to add."

"And those two conditions are?" I manage to ask.

A smirk forms on Lexin's flawless facial skin. He steps closer to me, "The new one is that you stay being his first wife."

Wait. Is he even trustworthy?

That's sure is an odd condition. I really can't see the benefits of it, but instead I ask, "Then what's the previous one?"

"Nillin gets to marry me!" Lesly clings onto Lexin's arm, "Thank you big brother. Now I get to marry the person I love."

Then she looks me in the eyes, "Please be good to me. I will be sharing the same bed as your husband, but don't worry. I know you guys only marrying for political matters and you can't get pregnant."

Nobody seems to have bothered to tell her that I'm actually pregnant. I wonder how she will react once she know.

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