The Black Arrow

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Alosrin tells Yasana to watch Niowei and Nisara, and then runs out to find the emotionally impaired boy.

"Jaufasi?" Alosrin tries to look through the blizzard until someone snatches his wrist.

And as if magic is in the air, the storm slowly let down and the face of the person gripping onto Alosrin's wrist reveals to be a familiar face.

The elf opens his mouth, but notices the unconscious baby dragon in Niltiocles's arm.

"Why are you back here again?" Alosrin sighs and tries to take the child from him.

Niltiocles frowns and narrows his brows, "I don't know why the original did what he did to you, but you shouldn't speak so harshly to me."

Alosrin looks around and asks, "Where are your minions?"

"They're at Hueng's place—"

"What did he tell you?"

"He said you're really sweet and understanding, but even now I don't see it," Niltiocles loosens his grip on the elf. "Everything now is as if I'm not the person anyone remembered and yet you are not the person anyone described to me."

"Why do you think that is?" Alosrin asks in a condescending style of tone and expression.

As Niltiocles opens his mouth to answer, Alosrin places his hand onto Niltiocles's mouth.

They stays quiet for a moment until a giant black metal arrow impels through Alosrin's chest; and he only had time to push Niltiocles and Jaufasi away.

After a deep breath, Alosrin smiles after seeing that about two feet of the metal arrows shows up on his front side. Good thing he pushed them away and they didn't get hurt.

"Get the emerald ring!" Alosrin hears someone shouted from afar.

Before he could do anything else, his vision becomes blurry and voices around him become unearthly.

He grabs onto someone with glowing red eyes and utters, "They're a—after Maeve. P—Protect him..."

Yasana holds in her roar as she holds Alosrin's breath slowly becomes almost nothing.

She couldn't break the black metal arrow, so she takes Alosrin with the arrow back inside.

Niltiocles could only stare blankly as the house becomes restless.

"Go get my mother and the others!" Yasana shouts at the frightened servants, but no one moved an inch.

It is not until Eli comes in while holding Ennelis's hand, "What's with all the commotion?"

"Eli! Go get my mother right now!" Yasana roars in her human form and the young dragon prince rushes to get Asana.

"Mommy!" Niowei cries loudly as Niltiocles holds her back.

Some of the blood has turned into black jelly by the time Asana arrives with the other adults.

Artemis rushes in and sweeps Alosrin away and the group moves elsewhere.

Yasana holds onto Maeve's wrist with her own shaking hands, "Alosrin said they're after you, so it means they got him by accident."

"It's my fault," Maeve comforts the young dragon princess. "Everything is going to be okay now. Thank you for telling me this."

"But why would they be after you?" Yasana begins to tear up from trauma.

Yennenga pulls his daughter into his arms and rubs her back gently, "Everything's going to be okay. I'm sorry I didn't realize the scent of blood when it happened. I should've came faster."

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