The Return of the Queen

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"Please? I really can't be your wife and walk a life with you because I don't match you at all."

"Let's sleep because I won't change my mind even if you give your heart to another person. You will my mine forever in this lifetime and in every lifetime."

Maeve grieves gracefully in Nillin's arms, "Why do you keep wanting to hurt me with your presence? We know I'm not in your heart. I'm only on your mind when I'm in front of you."

"I love you. I love you. I love you! I love you!" Nillin strengthens his grip on Maeve who is trying to escape from the bed. "How can I prove—"

"Then where were you? Why did you marry another person?" Maeve wipes his tears, "Is it like last time with Miss Xielle? Is it my fault for being faithful to our marriage bed?"

Nillin kisses the soft shoulder before him, "You were gone, and nobody was on my side to find you. I did what I could to make peace with the Council so that I can come find you."

"Lies!" Maeve escapes from Nillin's grip. "Do I look so naive to believe such lies?"

Then they heard Nisara's loud cry. Maeve rushes to comfort their son and pushes Nillin away, "If you don't leave, we will. I don't ever want to see your face again."

Maeve couldn't face Nillin when he said that and then Nillin leaves.

"I'm sorry, but we're not meant to be," Maeve drops down and cries. "I will never be secure enough to believe in your words and actions. I'm sorry."

And as the days passed, Maeve feels empty in whatever he does.

The orphans left after a sudden funding.

Only Alosrin and Niowei stayed because they couldn't possibly leave Maeve in such a state.

He barely eats and his mind is always wondering while making a painful expression.

Alosrin and Niowei approach Maeve who sit solemnly in the middle of the garden while Nisara chases the wind in his new shoes.

"You've gotten quite skinny lately," Alosrin begins with an obvious statement.

Maeve only makes a face and returns to a state of absence.

"If you can't live without him, why chase him out in the first place?" Alosrin offers a contemplating concept.

"It must be done," Maeve answers dryly. "I'll get over it soon enough."

"So did he agreed to a divorce?"

Maeve shakes his head with an unconscious delight, "No. He refused to do anything like that. I think we're just going to live separately."

"What about the ring?" Alosrin asks teasingly.

The wife feels the emerald ring on his finger with a nostalgic sigh.

Alosrin observes Maeve's character from soles to crown and compares it to the previous days. He couldn't help but come to a single conclusion, yet he keeps it to himself.

"He's riding into the city tomorrow, will you go see?"

"No. I told him that I didn't want to see his face anymore," Maeve brings his shoulder closer together and hugs himself pitifully.

"I have no right to say this, but I hope you will come to accept both his and yours flaws. From how I see it, you both are meant to be together. No matter how hard or long things had been, you two seem to connect instantly with great compatibility."

Maeve glances over at Alosrin and chuckles, "I don't mean to be rude, Mother... But he and I make a terrible couple since we can barely communicate between our fights."

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