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In a well brightened room, Alosrin sleeps soundly on a bed while three other persons are doing all sorts of tests on him.

A very aged man with hair as white as snow and eyes as blue as the ocean enters the room on a wooden wheelchair, along with Niowei.

The first thing old man asks, "How are the tests coming along?"

"Doing well, but he can wake up at any given moment," one of the three person answers.

A winged man pushes the wheelchair closer to Alosrin.

"May I hug my mommy?" Niowei asks in a squeak.

The old man sighs uncomfortably before nodding his head.

Niowei climbs onto the bed and rests her head on Alosrin's chest.

"Mommy, wake up please? I really, really, really miss you, mommy. Don't say bye-bye to me like grandma, okay? I don't want to be alone, mommy..."

Her soft words cause an itch in every hearts in the room.

Alosrin feels Niowei's wet tears and warm arms around him, so he takes his arms and warps them around her.

He can't see anything even if his eyes are open, nor hear, or flicks his tongue to say anything.

"Mommy!" Niowei jumps onto Alosrin and hugs his neck tightly.

"So you're finally up, Mistress of Crowned Prince Niltiocles," the old man says with a vile grin.

Alosrin signs with his hands and lack of facial expressions, 'Where are we? What do you want from me?'

The old man raises a brow.

"'Where are we? What do you want from me?' Is what he signed," the winged man translates.

"Well, tell him they're in my house and I want him to be the Queen of Aarth after my daughters resurrect the Crowned Prince."

The winged man gently takes Alosrin's hand and tells him what the old man said through a linguistic system of touch.

'Thank you for everything, but I cannot do as you want for repayment. Aarth already has a wonderful Queen.'

The old man clicks his tongue, "'I' didn't choose that Queen, so do you think that useless couple will continue to make us great?"

'This may be overstepping boundaries, but who are you to decide if someone is the Queen of Aarth?' Alosrin pulls Niowei closer to him feeling fearful of the old man's intentions.

"I'll say it in a way that you'll understand, elf. I am the Aarthian Council. I am the Shadow King of Aarth. I am more powerful than the throne itself. When I say, it is done."

Alosrin gives a sarcastic side smirk, 'Then I'll just make sure I am never under your thumb.'

"Don't make me the bad guy here," the old man shakes his head with disappointments. "I did supported the Crowned Prince marrying you, and it would've happened if not for that old hag sitting on the throne at the time."

'And I am forever thankful, but we can't turn back time can we?'

"Didn't you listen? My daughters will resurrect your recreation of the Crowned Prince!"

'You can take a horse to the water, but that doesn't mean the horse will drink it,' Alosrin snares.

The old man balls his fists and snatches Niowei's leg.

"No! Mommy help me!" Niowei holds onto Alosrin's neck even tighter as the old man tugs on her.

Alosrin easily breaks the old hand and stands on the older side of the bed with Niowei in his arms.

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