The Ephemeral Affairs

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As someone struggles to lift his eyelids open, the blinding light forces them closed. His hand reaches as far as it can to shield his entire face.

Slowly as the bright emerald eyes adjust themselves to see the world once more, he touches his breasts that have no elasticity or mass and tilts his head to the side, 'Odd.'

And as he gazes about the room, nothing seems odd or unfamiliar. Everything is somehow how he thought they are in his slumber.

He climbs out the soft bed and ties his hair into a ponytail, "Did I use to do this?"

"What?" He gasps at the pitch of his voice, "Do I really sound like this?"

"Why do I sound so weird?" He asks as he walks up to the opened window, "I think I'm looking for something... Wow. That sun is really bright—Sons. I have two sons."

Maeve touches his face, "How old am I? How long have I been gone? Is this a new life already?"

"Did you intend to give me a panic?" A familiar voice sounds on the other side of one of the two doors in the room.

A dark skinned person with short ears and in feminine apparels opens the door with a bucket and some clean clothes in their hands.

"I guess you don't need a wipe down this morning. Go take a bath in the other room," the short ears person turns around, expecting Maeve to follow.

"Sorry. Can you help confirm my identity for me?"

The other person sighs, places the bucket and clothes aside, and embraces Maeve in their arms, "How could you forget me, Maeve. Am I not your Mother-in-law?"

"B—But ears long short not your—"

"I was so terrified when your brother and I received Yasana's message. We almost crash landed," Alosrin gently rubs Maeve's back.

"Crash landing? Why were you flying?" Maeve wraps his arms around Alosrin.

"We were fleeing Osay, Maeve." Alosrin takes Maeve's hand and drags him to the other room for a bath.

"Where are my sons?" Maeve asks awkwardly.

Alosrin raises an eyebrow, "You don't want to know why we were fleeing Osay?"

"I do, but I want to see my sons, Mother. I hope you can understand—"

"I'll tell you about them while you bathe," Alosrin pulls a screen between them.

It is only after Alosrin hear Maeve dipped into the bath that Alosrin answers, "They're with their father and still in bed in another room."

"Then where am I? Am I still dreaming?" Maeve pinches his forearm.

"You were very sick, at the brink of death, when Artemis and I met you again. Yasana and your husband were in tears. And after you survived... We decided that—please don't hate us Maeve. Perhaps you are too precious to be living with the mortals."

Maeve stares at the blurry edge silhouette he sees on the dividing screens, "How can I be too precious? Life is harsh regardless of whichever realm."

Alosrin stays quiet and only the sounds of water moving can be heard for a few moments.

He rolls his shoulders back and sits on the opened window stool. "Then it is time I let you fly out of my nest. This is where your story truly begins."

Maeve sees the shadow of a hand wipe the cheeks of the elf.

"Come on. Get out and go see your boys, they're waiting for you," Alosrin gets up and leaves the room.

Ephemeral Affairs [MXM]Where stories live. Discover now