It's Been A Long Time

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"Good morning," Maeve greets the shopkeeper and his wife.

"Morning to you too, Your Grace. Please sit over there while I get the shoes out."

The wife comes from the back counter to see Nisara and talk with Maeve.

"He's so adorable," she comments and then pulls something from her pocket. "Please accept this humble gift."

Maeve takes off Nisara's old shoes and socks, and gestures for the shopkeeper's wife to put the new socks on the baby.

"They're adorable, thank you so much," Maeve gives a big smile.

"And you were so nervous. They fit him perfectly," the shopkeeper laughs and reveals Nisara's new shoes.

Maeve asks the shopkeeper's wife to do the honor once more, then places Nisara down so he could walk around in his new shoes.

"Mama!" Nisara exclaims with chuckles and stomps his feet loudly.

Maeve smiles with tears in his eyes. He turns to the shopkeeper and his wife and gives them fifteen Nuons.

"This is too much. The shoes are only twelve Nuons," they gently refuses.

"It's what I believe you both deserve," Maeve put the money in the wife's hand and hides his own behind his back.

The couple looks at one another and sighs, "Then we'll accept it. Thank you for giving our daughters the opportunity to work and earn their own living."

"Yes," Maeve wants to add that he didn't do anything, but has learned to just accept the recognition.

"Nisara, tell the grand—"

Maeve quickly eyes the shop but Nisara is nowhere in sight. He stands up and walks out to see Nisara stomping on the snow as it falls.

A group of shadows is walking toward Nisara and aren't paying much attention to things below their kneecaps.

"Nisara!" Maeve falls out.

The boy stops to smile and wave at his mother and didn't see the group stopping before him.

Four of them are in dark green cloak and the one in the navy one picks Nisara up.

"I'm sorry," Maeve takes Nisara from them. When he looks up, his heart seems to have stopped. Although the man looks a little different, Maeve easily identifies him.


Maeve has not prepared himself to meet Nillin yet because he thought he had a few days.

When Nillin recognizes Maeve and tries to grabs his shoulder, Maeve unties his coat, turns around, and begins running away.

"Maeve!" Nillin and his close associates chase after his wife and son.

Like always, Nillin easily catches up and corners Maeve, and this time it's at the end of an alleyway.

Maeve shivers with Nisara tightly embraced in his arms.

"Why are you running away from me?" Nillin takes off his hood to reveal his short hair and developing beard.

Maeve refuses to meet his eyes and tries to think of a way that he could get help from Alosrin.

"You so different now from the time we first met and got married," Nillin covers Maeve with the coat Maeve left behind and his navy cloak. "Is that warmer?"

"I won't run away, let's talk somewhere else."

"Where do you suggest?"

"Just follow me," Maeve quickly walk past Nillin and all the people he remembered: Kay, Caria, Borscht, and Aguano.

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