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My time spending with Nillin grows ever steadily and it adds to my happiness yet also eat away at my heart.

Even though I specifically suggested a "fabrication", the knowledge that one is purposefully enjoying an illusion of life is eerie.

Now we have been at the headquarter for almost two months and the child will be coming in about a month or so, I've observed many things...

Fagolan and Lesly are an item. They would pretend to oppose one another during meetings, but exchange letters of honey-like words in the garden just beyond the window of my chamber.

Caria has come to accept Kay's affection as she explained to me the other day. Of course, Griflet will disapprove, but as of the given moment, he doesn't know. They hide 'it' better than Fagolan and Lesly.

Oh, and back to Fagolan and Lesly, Griflet actually ships them together. Lesly's infertility is also cured.

Carcyne is a little sad that Lexin is no longer here, but she also has someone else eyeing her. Apparently, Aguano likes a girl who can treat his wounds since he is so clumsy.

All incredible sweet and sincere. Romances blooming all around me.

Spring is almost here-literally! Just about every corner.

In four more months, Nillin and I would've been married for a year. Time surely flies by even when I'm not doing much.

I'm also eating better than before. Although, this part of Aarth is quite cold, the land is also very fertile. The residents has learn to gather summer's food and still grow winter's greens.

If I'm not overly analyzing, I believe Nillin chose this place because it allows Nillin and others to step back and see the war in a grander view.

If every place is as peaceful and prosperous as here for all of Aarth, then all of Aarth should be ruled like this place-with Nillin at the top.

However, we are not so delusional to not see the war at the horizon racing toward us. We're fighting for the peace we believe and see.

Furthermore, I am sure that the Revolution will end soon for the past two months, we have won eight battles, three of them on the same week.

Some of this luck, or easy victories, are due to Lexin and I already convinced more than two thirds of the most powerful and influential Masters and Lords, which are five: Master Lexin (of course), Master Leire, Master Donita, Master Leonida and Lord Jin.

All that is left is the capital and a few cities in the Southeast, but King Nir is still fighting strong.

I wonder, how does King Nir feel as his stolen throne is returning to the rightful owner?

Or am I just being pretentious?

"I notice you've been sighing for quite a while now, Milord," Carcyne clears her throat. "Are you bored?"

I am learning embroidery from Carcyne because Caria definitely doesn't know how. It's not her thing. She rather practice swordplay which I do too except I'm not allowed.

"Maybe a little," I answer. "Can we try something else? I'm already good enough to stop pricking myself."

I catch myself from laughter. Was I about to laugh at my own sarcasm? What have gotten into me!

Carcyne purses her lips in annoyance, "You can't just be 'good'. You have to be great! Do you want the people to say the Queen 'isn't' the best embroider in the nation?"

"And that matters because?"

"Of course it matters! Milord represents the epiphany of femininity in Aarth. All Aarthians are and will look at you for their explicit role model," Carcyne rolls her eyes.

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