In An Early Morning

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Nisara squints in disgust and reaches for his mother on the side giggling.

"Bring him closer to you," Maeve bends Nillin's elbows and hugs him from behind. "Nisara loves being hug."

Maeve looks up to see a small head poking from Nillin's shoulder and reaches a hand to pat the silky short silver hair.

"Mama!" Nisara gurgles and talks loudly.

"Neither you nor I speak this much. Who did he get this from?" Nillin laughs, wanting to face Maeve.

"He doesn't have to be like either of us," Maeve replies with a sweet tone. "But if I have to point fingers, I'll admit he got it from me."

Nillin quickly turns around and makes a very confused expression, "I wish you express your feelings more."

Maeve rolls his eyes with a teasing smile and takes Nisara from his husband, "The tub is ready. Why don't you wash up first?"

"Why can't all three of us go in together?" Nillin pushes Maeve's long hair to the side so that their son wouldn't grab onto it.

"If we go in, this little sunshine will never want to get out," Maeve chuckles as he pinches and kisses the rosy cheeks of the child.

"I'll take responsibility."

"Yes. When you gagged so much just from the smell," Maeve laughs and rests his head on Nillin's broad and muscular chest.

Nillin wants to comment on something else, but refrains from it because he is enjoying his wife's laughter.

He washes his feet and body before jumping into the tube, and Nisara and Maeve follow.

"I only got today with you two, tomorrow I'll have to resume my duties," Nillin sighs sadly and hugs his wife from behind while they sit in the warm water.

The way Nillin phrased his words pangs Maeve's chest and he is withdrawing from getting attached to his husband.

"It's fine. I hope today will be a good vacation for you," Maeve tries to hide his anxiety but Nillin immediately notices.

Nillin moves to face Maeve and pulls their body closely together with their son splashing water between them.

"Will you come back to be my Queen?" Nillin has a hopeful smile that fades as Maeve awkwardly averts his eyes.

"What if I don't want to?"

Maeve's choice of words wasn't intentional to hurt Nillin, but it wasn't unintentional either. He has been thinking about this moment for months and now that it's here he is fearless.

"What must I do?" Nillin begs with his deep color blue eyes.

"I don't belong in a big castle."

"You don't belong here either. I hate seeing you like this," Nillin makes a painful face. "I want to be able to protect you both."

"There was a time when I waited to hear those words... That you want to protect my children and I, but it doesn't mean anything to me anymore."

"What about last night? Did it means so little to you?"

Maeve gets up with Nisara in his arms who still wanting to splash some water.

Nillin quickly follows, "Tell me what's wrong. We can compromise, I'm sure of it."

"Nothing is wrong, Nillin. Times change and people do too. If you want my honest opinion about last night, it was... painful."

"Then I won't bring up this conversation. When it's time, I'll take you both back with me," Nillin advances toward Maeve and holds him tightly.

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