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"Nillin," Maeve knits his brows gently. "It'll be worse if he comes out as Father's clone. I'm sure it is simply a matter of time."

"So you think Leire will betray me?"

Maeve shakes his head and looks at the children sleeping beside him, "He could be the brother we were talking about. The one who helps you."

"I don't even know him," Nillin unties Wylton.

Then to the intruder, Nillin says, "Don't let this happen again. Next time, I'll kill you before you could beg for your life."

"May the gods bless His Majesty from the heavens above," Wylton takes off his blindfold and stays kneeling. "And if I may speak... It is best for Your Majesty to take in as many allies you can as you are losing them left and right."

The King grinds his teeth, "Then should I make you a Master?"

"That's a poor suggestion, Your Majesty. I will most likely won't have any heir for you, and my brother is someone who should not have a greater status than he has now. He's actually why I'm in such a hurry."

"For old time sake, what can I help you with?"

Wylton glances over at Maeve and sighs, "He is looking for the Queen not knowing the Queen has returned with Your Majesty. And in his desperation, his wife took her revenge on a young girl and her child who is supposedly my nephew."

"What did she do? Are they okay?" Maeve walks over to stand beside Nillin.

"I don't know. I'll need to find out for myself," Wylton stands and stretches as if he's ready to leave.

"You know them?"

Maeve gives a soft nod, "Her and her siblings were temporarily in my care."

Nillin smiles and places the blade on Wylton's shoulder, "If the infant is alive, you are to raise the infant as your own, your heir; and if not, raise the infant's aunts and uncles and they shall be your heirs. You shall be a Master."

"My brother is the kind of person who will kill those children for the title and wait until the Queen becomes a widow," Wylton kneels again. "I ask that Your Majesty take my refusal as an act of civil disobedience and not betrayal... May this servant suggest someone worthy of the title?"

"My long lost twin brother, I suppose?" Nillin returns the sword back to its sheath.

"He also has an heir on the way."

"Borscht is with child?" Maeve gasps quietly next to Nillin's widened gaze.

Dumbfounded, Wylton nods awkwardly as he did not expect Maeve to figure it out so quickly.

"Borscht is gay?" Nillin makes faces, conveying his new sense of reality.

"I don't know. I only know he's pregnant with the other guy's child—"

"We need to give him a name. He is my long lost brother after all."

Wylton and Maeve assure each other that they both didn't know that it was this easy for Nillin to change his mind.

"Don't make those faces. I don't trust him, but I trust Leire. With Borscht by his side, I trust he would not try to overthrow me."

"But it says that they were going to marry after you claim him as your brother," Maeve raises an eyebrow. "You didn't read the whole thing did you?"

"Of course I didn't. I go through so many papers everyday. I have someone who summarizes the key points for me," Nillin chuckles and pinches his wife's cheek.

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