The Begotten

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But the tension was dispersed when Maeve returns with Nisara, "Let me help with the potatoes. Mother's recipe is a little hard with all the tiny details, but so far it smells amazing."

Maeve sits with Nisara trying to eat a cooked potato slice and noticed the bracelet, "Isn't that yours, Juda?"

"No. It's your husband."

"Nillin?" Maeve is perplexed but scolds his husband, "Please be nice to Juda. He is our brother-in-law. How would we answer to Artemis if he finds out we're bullying Juda?"

Juda freezes and defends, "He and I are not together. And your husband wasn't bullying me, rather it's me bullying him."

"You don't have to hide it. I'll make sure he won't disrespect you again," Maeve makes an exhausted face at Nillin who pretends to be innocent.

"Juda, bring me whatever potatoes you guys have. The curry can't wait anymore." Alosrin peaks from the room of stoves and ovens, "Why don't Nisara eat this meal with you two here. I'll take care of the rest."

"Yes, mother," Maeve answers and Juda takes their finished potatoes to Alosrin.

Nillin wipes his hand and sighs, "I can't believe I hadn't noticed how people disapprove of you when you've done nothing to deserve their wicked opinion."

"What are you babbling about?" Maeve cleans the table top to set a meal.

"Juda doesn't like you," Nillin answers bluntly. "So why are you paying him so much respect?"

"My brother chose him. I'm sure he's a good person, even if he doesn't like me," Maeve offers a comforting smile and gives Nisara to Nillin.

"You're too thoughtful," Nillin shakes his head and hugs Nisara like how Maeve taught him. "And you knew he doesn't like you?"

Maeve chuckles at the idea and brings in their breakfast.

"Isn't it good?" Maeve offers Nillin a spoonful because he doesn't know how to eat and care for a child at the same time.

Nillin tastes it slowly and nods his head.

"Please don't get into fights with Juda," Maeve begs in a meek voice.

"I won't unless he's trying to hurt you or Nisara."

Maeve sighs, "Even then, don't get into fights with him. I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Are you suggesting that I'm weaker—"

"Yes," Maeve places a spoonful before Nillin again. "He's very strong and powerful."

"Isn't he just an ordinary human?"

The wife shakes his head, "No. His wings may be gone, but he's still very powerful. I've seen their magic to some extent, and I'll say he is stronger than Trieu a hundred fold."

"Then he's also a dragon?" Nillin asks after eating the spoonful and Nisara got jealous.

"I can't speak much more of his kind, but he's not the same as my family," Maeve takes Nisara and spoon feed the child so Nillin can feed himself. "He has lived a very sad and lonely life."

Then Maeve covers his mouth remembering what Artemis warned him. "Sorry, it's what I think happened to him, I'm not entirely sure and can't prove many of the things I've said."

"No. It's good. I think you have very good intuition," Nillin pushes Maeve's loose hair to reveal Maeve's beauty.

He stares at his wife caring for his son and though he doesn't want to admit it, Maeve looks much more like an honest hardworking peasant's wife rather than a Queen.

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