Dragons from the West

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When the sun has been cut in half by the mighty horizon, the people of Thempolis hear a roar from the West and see a flame that spark briefly in the indigo sky.

All of those who have seen a dragon in war knows what has happened to the opposing side.

The people panicked, fearing the dragons and confused as to why there is a war with the dragons.

They gather together and demand answers at the Southern gate of the Leire residence.

All of a sudden, thousands upon thousands of amber flakes dance from the clear night sky.

And as the people smell the floating incense, they return to their home and fall into a slumber to forget the existence of dragons and of this night.

Without any announcement, a dragon the side of a mountain with glaring fire scales descends and lands itself on the West gate of the Leire residence.

"Uncle!" Yasana rushes to embrace something of familiarity.

Nillin stares at a distance, not fully sober yet.

In the dragon's palm, a short ear Alosrin sit with three sleeping children. He wears a disappointed face when he sees Nillin.

"My dearest brother-in-law," Artemis sighs as he shrinks back to his mortal like form, carrying Alosrin and the children in his arms.

"I wish we met again under better circumstances," Nillin lowers his head and walks toward Artemis.

Artemis gives a smile of relief, "If not for Alosrin, I would've stormed your land already. But he had convinced me that I must see for myself why my precious little brother is ill when he was by your side."

"Thank you," Nillin bows to Alosrin.

"Let me down," Alosrin says.

Yasana takes Niowei from Alosrin. Artemis gets Arabret. And Alosrin continues to hold Jaufasi.

"Please follow me," Nillin hides all his emotions and leads them to a room for the children to rest in and then where Maeve is resting.

Alosrin knits his brows together with a frown as he cups Maeve's tender cheek, "Maeve. It is much too early for you to leave me."

"He won't," Artemis places a hand on Alosrin's shoulder.

Then they look at Yasana, "What have you discovered?"

"I stopped the internal bleeding for the time being. However, the origins of the mess are his womb and breasts. It seems that his feminine features are degrading at an alarming rate."

"Alosrin, has this ever happened in Enzumin?" Artemis sits beside Alosrin.

The short ear elf bites his lower lip and rests a finger on his upper, "Yes, but not in my lifetime. This happened frequently in the beginning of Enzumin."

"During the War of Titans, we moved Westward to our current location. At first we did not understand why our homosexuals began to reproduce so we applied some medicine made from red cocoons. We knew that red cocoons cause infertility and heals everything else, but never once in those early years did we think they were the yin to Dawerilium's yang."

"That was the second largest death Enzumin has seen of it's people. So we instead embrace the Dawerilium and it's blessings. We surround ourselves with it and for ten thousand years, we were prosperous."

Yasana stares in awe, "Was there a way to revert the effects of the red cocoons?"

"The Enzumins at the time did not know, but in recent centuries, scholars had speculated a cure," Alosrin closes his eyes for a deep breath. "We'll have to bypass the stomach and cut out the spleen that is most infected."

Artemis raises an eyebrow, "Yasana, did you say the spleen was infected?"

She covers her eyes and answers in a meek voice, "I forgot to look there."

"Then we will also need to remove his womb and breasts. Never again will he become pregnant or breastfeed a child," Alosrin looks up to Nillin's terrified face. "Or will you allow him to die?"

"He had already given me two sons," Nillin answers softly. "His life is much more important to me than having another child."

"No. I mean to ask you whether you think Maeve would agree with our decision? Perhaps to him—"

"Mother, I'm sure Maeve would've preferred raising our son with us," Nillin heaves a deep and slow breath.

Alosrin smiles and kisses Maeve's temple, "He knows you well, my child. Please come back to us."

Then to Artemis and Yasana, Alosrin says, "I'm entrusting Maeve to you two. I'll look after our children and grandchildren."

Nillin follows Alosrin out of the room.

Alosrin pulls Nillin into his arms, "Maeve will be okay, my son. You've done well. I am proud of you."

"Mother," Nillin softly embraces his mother back, feeling much better. "Is this how a mother treats her son of thirty years?"

"Every child needs a hug from their mother no matter their age. So, are you feeling a little better now, my son?"

"Mother," Nillin cries softly next to Alosrin's ear. "Please stay with Maeve and I forever. We will love you until your last breath. Even then, I pray that I will be reborn as your son again in the next life, your biological son."

Alosrin chuckles, "Then let it be true. I shall be your mother in the next life as well. But I cannot stay, my son. I will soon leave to hide from mortals forever."

"Why?" Nillin pulls himself away from the dark skinned man.

"I meant to do it sooner, but I met Maeve and Nisara. I wanted to help them so I delayed my own plans."

Nillin knits his brows tightly together, "What about Crown Prince Ajax of Huca?"

"He is bound to the mortal world, a place I do not belong in. The Northern Continent can no longer stay unbalanced. Artemis and I need to step back into the mythical world else chaos will pursue. I cannot tell you more even if I want to."

"Don't you love him?"

Alosrin sighs softly, "It's a spark that cannot be rekindled. He will be sad for a while and then he'll be fine. He has good parents looking after him and a son to nurture. If he says he loves me, he is only being stubborn."

"Come on, show me my youngest grandson." Alosrin turns to walk away.

Nillin follows closely behind, "His name is Niran."

"Oh. Another sun."

"Yes, but he is not an early riser like his elder brother. He sleeps all the time," Nillin answers with a gleeful smile, forgetting about Maeve's condition for a moment. "He couldn't sleep last night without his mother."

"If all goes well, he will see his mother in the morning," Alosrin offers a smile.

"Here we are. Please come in," Nillin opens the door for Alosrin.

"Mama?" Nisara jumps to see the dark skinned person and then quickly runs behind his father.

Alosrin chuckles, "It's me, grandma. You've grown so big since the last time I saw you."

Nisara glares at Alosrin but wouldn't let go of his father's pants.

"It seems he is very shy," Alosrin looks around the room until he sees Sudra burping Niran. "There he is. My youngest grandson."

Nillin walks toward them and transfers the child from Sudra to Alosrin, "He's not picky, but let's see if he likes grandma."

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