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The sun has set for some times now. I sing to the wind, reminding her who I am.

Green cloak Griflet and his men are sitting around a campfire behind me chattering to themselves.

"Is Princess Cassiopeya really alright with our Lord marrying... Him?" The chestnut blond hair asks Griflet in a low tone.

I'm not really into eavesdropping per say, but I really wants to hear the end of this.

"Of course not," the one from before answers, let's differentiate him with his thick brows. "But what else can she say?"

I feel their eyes on my back like a tiger in a tree. Luckily, I do this often, something I don't quite proud of.

"What can she say? Our supplies in this revolution is from Ka-"

Thick brows struggles to open his heart, "Promise this stay between all of us, and definitely don't say you heard it from me."

"Her Highness," thick brows begins dryly. "I think they intentionally put her at the front lines because they knew she couldn't win."

"What are you trying to say?" The only woman in the group asks. "That seems probable, but I don't think so."

"Then what did you hear?" Thick brows retorts.

She too stays silent for a moment and makes her fellow soldiers swear to never reveal they heard it from her.

"I heard some of the remanding maids in the fortress say that the goal of Princess Cassiopeya's command is...hear this, put Aarth through a civil war. I love Lord Nillin, but I really hope he didn't fall for the Kalorian dogs' trap."

They sigh in unison. Then I feel softer glares at my back, "Then the Western border is our only protection."

"I hope you all stay with Prince Nillin, now that you have discovered this, " Griflet finally saying something after his long silent. "Your support will be needed."

"So you knew this?"

"I suspected it," someone throws another piece of wood into the fire. "But we can't let them know we know this. So act normal around Kalorians, and especially around Princess Cassiopeya."

Someone walks to me and places a hand on my shoulder, it's Griflet.

"Please have sympathy for our Prince," he kneels before me.

"What are you doing?" I try to help him up. "And what are you talking about?"

The others look bitter. I'm sure they don't want to accept me, but are considering my usefulness.

While Griflet refuses to change his kneeling position, the others found their resolve.

Their legs lie on one another like a wave and their upper bodies are right in front of the dirt floor only protecting their faces with their hands flat on the ground as well.


I have never been in a situation like this. What should I do?

Would I be lying to them if I someday find my rich boy? Or would they be happy?

I shake my head and put on a smile, "Please, don't do that. My family and I are able to reside in the mountains because Aarth minds us not. I'm doing this for my family as well as for you all."

"Please. This doesn't feel right. I'll have sympathy for your Prince, so please stop kneeling," I retry to help Griflet up once more.

This time he gets up and thanks me before returning to his men.

I'm doing this because these people are desperate. This adds nothing and subtract nothing from my life.

Actually, assisting Aarthians in this revolution may prove to be good for my family. I only hope this doesn't change our way of living.

I stay in the carriage until dawn.

Without me noticing that time have passed and so is my location. We have returned from the Cliff of Resolves and into my father's house where the wedding will take place later today.

Griflet and his men watch me with their dark pupils as I prepare a special dish for my future husband. It shall be the first meal he eats after our marriage.

Actually I don't quite understand why I'm the one cooking it. I'm also a man. If I'm cooking, then he should too!

I lift my head from my cooking station to the rest of the bustling kitchen of fifty other stations.

"Mother!" I called out to the ever young looking woman so tall and lean, one would mistaken her for a civilized noblewoman.

"What is it Eve? Do you want any help?" She wipes her pale sweaty face with a towel on her waist.

I bite my imaginary tongue doubting if I should question her.

She, or the system, must have a reason why I'm cooking for a damn homophobe; so instead, "What should I make?"

"What does your man like?"

"Urh," I turn to look at Griflet and his men who are also dumbfounded. "What did my sister made for me?"

Mother rolls her eyes and smacks her lips ever so terrifying, "Sleep. She made a dish that have ingredients to induce sleeping. She was going to run away but you ran away first."

"Haha." I bite my lips to not anger her anymore than I probably am.

"You got until two in the afternoon, so," she glares at me to ensure I lose any odd thoughts.

Mother is one scary woman. Anyone can argue that she could actually be the one controlling this mountainous region.

But I digress.

"Do anyone of you know what Prince Nillin likes to eat?" I turn to Griflet and them.

They stay quiet for a minute until chestnut blond raises his hand, "I think he likes food in general."

"Thanks. Then he won't be eating food," I nod my head confidently to scare them a little.

Nillin grew up in Aarth so he probably already tasted almost any kind of food from there. Maybe I should make something completely off menu. Or...

Make the Aarthian National Dish and arrange it in a rainbow pattern since he's a homophobe.

Now, "What is the National Dish in Aarth?"

"Um, sausages?"

"And brand?"


"Thanks," and yet I don't know how I'm going to create a rainbow out of sausages.

Sausages come in all sizes, not all colors...unless I stuff them with other things than meat and seasonings.

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