The Ghost Inside

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The deal is made and the conditions are executed one by one.

As for looking for my mother, I will do that some other times. It may comes off as rude and hateful, but I don't really care whether she is surrounded by flowers or flies.

And a situation comes up. I move our headquarter to Asandria, an island to the Southeast of Aarthian mainland.

That is because the Old Aarthians ruled by the current King will have to cross a body of water to get to us. Furthermore, the port city Lexin always dock at belongs to Master Donita, a good family friend of the Hienzworths.

Master Donita also agrees to be on our side.

Today is our first official meeting with fourteen Masters including Lexin and two Master proxies.

In a grand room with the drawn out translucent white curtains, only Griflet and Lexin dare sit while before me.

Although I try to see into their truths and lies, I can't. It is as if their poker faces are masks as thick as mud walls.

Borscht spreads a scroll on the table between me and the rest of everyone. It's the map of Aarth and a little beyond its borders.

I see the Western Mountains, but our house is unmarked. I see a city with dashed lines surrounding it labeled 'Enzumin', the Aarthian capital in the southeast, eighty-five fortresses inside Aarth's borders, the little castles where each Master or Lord govern, and the writing 'Dragons?' in the northwestern part of Aarth.

"That is the old map. The one King Nir has," Griflet raises a hand and Kay spreads the scroll he holds on to. "And this is the updated one."

Our house is marked on the Western Moutains including most of the native tribes, and then a giant castle in the northern part of the Western Moutains is labeled 'Zummar'.

My heart drops and my eyes switch between Griflet and Lexin.

How did they know what we are called?

"Who made the additions?" I ask firmly.

Although I try my best to not show my fear and concerns, it leaks out.

And that fear is that we massacred the elves to gain their land and I'm sure the 'Bandits' were probably next.

The room is silent until Master Leonida says, "I would assume Prince Nillin. He spends a lot of energy on the Western Borders."

The person I hope to not hear name is named.

"Don't worry, Lord Maeve. The marriage between Prince Nillin and you has connect our two people, I'm sure Prince Nillin will never try to conquer your people," Master Leonida tries to ease the atmosphere.

However, it has the opposite effects on me because it is not Lexin or Griflet who say those sentences.

Besides, they know Nillin better than anyone.

The meeting carries on smoothly. The main points are to wait for Nillin to return with the Kalorian and Zummarian forces, for me to personally recruit more masters, and to scout more supply routes.

The word 'bandits' is never used once which makes me curious. Do they fear me?

The meeting lasts a long time (a few days) since Lexin would excuse himself right before the sun sets.

Lexin is our precious strategist so his presence worth more than most Masters and Lords. His alliance with me is also what draws other Masters in.

I sincerely believe that without him, Nillin probably can't retake his crown. That's probably why Griflet is granted the responsibility to personally recruit him.

So while I walk to my room after the last of the meetings, I ask Carcyne, "How is Lady Lesly?"

"Humph," Carcyne sounds in annoyance. "Well I am trying."

"Oh. Then please continue to help her," I nod my head as I say those things to her. "And by the way, do you know why Master Lexin does what he do?"

I try to not directly say my concerns and curiosity.

"Have no one told you?" Caria asks.


"Not here," Caria places a hand before my mouth. "I'll tell you what the servants are gossiping about after we reach your room."

I agree so I nod and we are as quiet as mice until we reach our destination. Carcyne and Caria checks for people and close the doors, windows and curtains.

The three of us jump onto the bed like it's a sleepover.

Caria starts, "Apparently a ghost is sharing his body. So at night, the ghost gets stronger and takes over Master Lexin's body."

"That doesn't sound possible," I put a finger to my lips and thinks about it. "Yeah, not possible."

"Why can't it be possible?" Carcyne must feels offended by my words because she has a mocking tone to her question.

I don't want any trouble so I apologize, "I'm sorry. I think I meant that I don't believe in ghosts."

"And why not?"

"Well, because we have yet to prove that they do exist."

Then Carcyne snaps, "Then do you 'believe' that you have a brain?"

Oh no. She is only getting angrier. Fuck.


"Has it been proven that you, yourself have a brain?" Her eyes stare straight at me in sincerity. It kind of makes me freak out a little.

I feel dumbfounded and glance at Caria for help but she completely agrees with Carcyne and supports her.

"Okay," I heave out. "No. It has been proven that I, myself have a brain. I only assumed I did because if I didn't make that assumption, I would be having an existential crisis as to what's actually occupying the inside of my head."

Caria blurts out laughing and I join her, but Carcyne is still as serious as ever.

"Milord," Carcyne focus us back. "Do you remember my first words to Lesly?"

I scratch my head trying to recall it. What was that Carcyne said that makes Lesly angry?

That Lesly is infertile? No, she was angry before that.

"If Lady Lesly loves her brother, she would find someone to exorcise him," Caria takes the words right out of my mouth.

"Yes. And do you remember how Lexin looks at Milord when we all first met him?"

Caria looks at me for a reply as well. I guess I will say what I assumed again.

"Okay. It might just my assumption, but I thought he was gay," I suck my lips and hide my fidgeting hands.

Carcyne nods.

"That is because that Lexin isn't him. It's the 'spirit' of a woman. I also think that he sleeps as soon as the sun is about to set to not allow the 'spirit' to use his body."

Her emphasis of 'the spirit' is probably to show that the thing isn't dead, or just for Caria to take notes.

"A spirit?" Caria asks probably for reassurance.

"Yes. It's a wick and powerful spell created and only ever use by selfish humans," Carcyne shakes her head in disappointment.

"Can you help him?" I quickly ask. "Right now it is okay for him to sleep early, but in the future we can't have that. We will need him whenever the enemy attacks."

Carcyne flinches backward, "Yes, but I don't want to."

"And why not?" Caria finally taking my side. "What Lord Maeve said is true."

"I know that!" Carcyne turns away from us.

"Then why not?"

"I won't do it because I might accidentally kill him instead of the spirit."

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