Uh oh, back again

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Mmm hey, mmm hey, hey, yeah this is the sequel to I don't understand you so yeah. If you haven't read it, it's on my profile.

Y/n's pov

Six months, it's been six whole months since I left, left my friends, school, and everything I've known. And all I can really say is that I hate it, I just hate it. When we got here dad was here to meet us, although he was more of a stranger to me.

I never really kept in touch with him, and from what I know Wakatoshi's main focal point was to just train with him. Y'know, get some experience before joining a professional team. As for Tendo, well... he's been doing everything I guess, side missions I suppose.

The townhouse is nice, but it's not home, it's not like back in Japan. The fact that I have yet to unpack anything other than some of my clothes may play on the strange feeling.

"Y/n," Wakatoshi says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," I say. "What's up?"

"You should eat your breakfast," he says. "You have to go soon."

Oh yes, onto my next tragic point, today is my first day of school. And my last year of high school, but that part wasn't really my own choice.

"Aren't you excited for your first day?" Tendo asks. "I remember my first day of third year."

"Yeah, but you didn't skip your whole second year," I say. "And you had friends."

"You'll make some," Wakatoshi says. "It will be fine."

"I'd never thought that'd I'd actually want to be wearing a uniform instead," I say. "It's just easier that way."

"This school will be fun," Tendo says. "Remeber when we went to check it out?"

Oh, that was so fun, a tour of the school, my idea of a fun day.

"Yeah I remember," I say wrapping my bagel in a piece of paper towel. "It was so cool."

"Now let me get a photo before we send you off," he says.

Yeah, now he's just messing around with me.

"You're not taking any photos of me," I say. "It's not that big of a deal."

"Oh but it is," he says. "We've gotta show your future kids just how happy you are to be starting a new school."

"I'd never be caught dead pregnant," I say. "That shit looks annoying, and it hurts, never."

"Y/n, you've gotta have a kid one day," he says. "I wanna be an uncle."

"Then too bad," I say. "Because I am never ever giving birth."

"Fine," he says. "I'll just have to dream of being an uncle."

It's best to just let those dreams die out.

"So who is taking me to school?" I ask.

"You're old enough to take yourself," Wakatoshi says.

"Now now Y/n," Tendo says grabbing my hand. "Before you go around hitting people just think."

That's another thing, the number of times I just almost smack him is very bad.

"I was joking, I don't expect you to take yourself to school," Wakatoshi says. "Your ride is waiting downstairs."

"I thought one of you guys was gonna drive me," I say.

"Don't you worry," Tendo says. "You'll be fine."

"I know I will," I say grabbing my bag. "Bye."

"Have fun at school," Wakatoshi says. "Don't start any fights."

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