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Y/n's pov

"Oh great," my mom says coming into the room soon after.

"Uh, Y/n want me and Dashi to take Dai and Kasumi down the street to grab some more party snacks?" Azalea asks.

No, speak I.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea," Kei says.

"So we all see it right?" Bunny asks.

Yes Bunny, we all see it.

"We're taking Bunny with us," Azalea says before they all leave the cafe.

"It's not my fault the kid came upstairs," Hyun says holding up his hands.

"Yeah no your fault my ass, you shouldn't have brought your ass downstairs what did I say to you?" Marigold questions grabbing him by his arm. "What id wrong with you, have you lost all sense of authority."

"Marigold you know that I can't understand you when you talk so fast in Japanese," he says. "Speak slowly please."

"Then learn you, idiot," she says.

"Both of you back here," my mom says shoving them into the back room."

"Hmm, that man odly resembles like Y/n," Wakatoshi says.

Oh great, just who we needed to join the party.

"Y/n, it wasn't supposed to be like this," my mom says.

"Is that my dad?" I ask.

"Look, just because there are similarities does not mean that he is your dad," she says.

"Oh my god, that's my dad," I say. "What the hell, and Hyun? That guy who called me on the phone was my dad and no one told me?"

"I was not aware," Waktoshi says. "It is mothers fault this time if you cry."

"So... Do you want to meet him officially?" she asks.

"Mom, didn't you have an affair with that guy?" I ask. "Why would I want to meet him?"

"Oh yeah, that was a lie," she says. "I had an affair, but not with him. You weren't even supposed to find out about your biological parents until next month."

"Parents?" I ask.

"Oh my god," Kei says. "Marigold is your mother!?"

"Great," my mom says. "We've turned this birthday party into a shit show."

"Well, now you've gotta tell me everything," I say.

"You were born, Hyun went to prison, Marigold came to me begging me to take you because she had no way to support a child, they were teenagers," she says. "And here we are, Hyun is Korean and Japanese, Marigold is just a whole bunch of things."

"And you didn't tell me?" I question. "You knew where both of my biological parents were this whole time and kept it to yourself?"

"Look, I needed to wait until you were in a good headspace," she says. "Can you try to see where I'm coming from?"

Okay, I can understand that. But, I've been hanging around with my bio mom for years without knowing?

"Oh my god, she knows the details of my sex life," I gasp.

"You just find out who gave you life and your biggest concern is that she knows you have sex?" Kei questions. "What the hell, how about you freak out about the fact that your bio mom has been here the whole time?"

"This is so embarrassing!" I yell.

"I was expecting tears and a meltdown," Wakatoshi says.

"I need to talk to them," I say going towards the back room. "No one come with me, I need to speak to them."

I have work tomorrow, also, I still haven't paid my phone bill and I just spent 100$ dollars on a stupid game.


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