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Y/n's pov

"Mom, why are you staring at dad like that?" Kasumi asks. "It looks like you want him dead."

"She wants me to go and ask people to be a part of the wedding," Kei says. "But I told her she has to do it herself."

"But Kei, you're supposed to help me out," I say. "It's not fair, you're being lazy."

"I'm not going to Wakatoshi and Hyun and ask then to walk you down the aisle," he says. "That's your job."

"It's scary," I say. "They're scary."

"It's not like you're giving some terrible news," he says.

"Moms pregnainat," Kasumi says. "She told me, it was a secret, but not anymore."

"What!? Really?" Kei questions.

"I'm not," I say.

But I wish I was.

"Kasumi, you can't say things like that," I say. "He loses all brain power when you say things like that."

"God I'm stupid," he says. "Don't say that unless it's true."

"You should've known I was not truthing," Kasumi says. "Mom doesn't even wanna have a baby."

"And she's taking birth control, I'm stupid," he sighs.

That's what you all think.

"Anyway Kei, can you go and ask Wakatoshi and Hyun to walk me down the aisle?" I ask. "Please?"

"No," he says. "Do it yourself."

"But it's my birthday, you should be nice to me," I say.

"Your birthday was yesterday," Kasumi says.

Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, it's October now, the wedding is next month and the past few months have been full of us planning. Well, it has mostly been me talking about nonsense and Kei doing most of the actual work, not one should be surprised that I can't muster up enough brainpower to answer actual questions.

"I'm still not going to ask them," he says. "I don't need to."

"You're my fiancé, my husband in less than a month so you have to help me," I say. "Just how I help you."

"And how is it that you have been helping me?" he asks.

"This morning when Kasumi wasn't home yet, I gave you away," I say. "There, help."

"I'm not going to ask your family questions," he says. "You'll be fine, you can do it yourself."

"What if they say no?" I ask. "Hmm? What then?"

"They won't," he says. "Trust me, they won't."

"What do I have to do to make you go in my place?" I ask.

"Uninvite Atsumu to the wedding," he says. "And Shirabu."

"I'll be back later," I groan. "I have to go and tell everyone about how unloved I am in this household, how mistreated I am."

"Give me your ring," he says holding out his hand.

"No, no, no, I'm kidding Kei I know you all love me," I say. "I don't want to give it back, I love it too much."

"I already told you that I wanted to get the day I proposed to you engraved on the inside, hand it over," he says.

"Oh yeah," I nod my head handing it to him. "In that case, I'm still telling everyone about how you threw me down the stairs Sangwoo style."

"Then I'm answering all the questions the team has," he says. "In full detail."

"I hate you," I say. "I'm leaving now, Kasumi come with me I'm not leaving you with this man."

"Dad has to drop me off at knife shoe practice today," she says. "So bye bye."

Oh yeah.

"FIne," I say. "Does anybody need anything while i'm out?"

"A brother or sister," Kasumi says. "Please."

"Not hapanning," I say. "Bye now."

"Oh, we need raw dogs," she says.

"What the hell do we needs?" I question. "Kei what the hell."

"Don't look at me," he says. "I don't say anything like that around her."

"What? Dai wants to roast hotdogs in the back yard tonight," she says. "We needs some raw dogs."

Close one.

"Kasumi, just say hotdogs," I say. "Or raw hot dogs."

"But then they aren't hot," she says confused. "They're cold, and raw."

"Whatever, I'll get them," I say.

"You better not forget," she says. "Dai will cry."

"Don't worry, your mom won't forget the raw dogs," Kei says. "Infact, I don't think she can even go a day without one."

"You are disgusting," I say. "I'm leaving."

I hate school.


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