This is not a joke guys

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Also, the only reason you guys are getting this soon is because my toenail has grown back fully. This is a miracle.

Y/n's pov

"Hi, when are you bring Kasumi back?" of course it's the old hag calling at this hour. "There's a family who wants her."

"Never, because I'm keeping her," I say. "You cannot keep her from having a loving family, I'll sue your ass and I will win. Kasumi is the best thing that's ever happened to me, get me foster care papers then I'll adopt her eventually. I know that you have a letter, in the box of stuff Ayumi left her, she wants Kasumi with me and I'll fight. I am so dumb with people's shit, I can do things, I have my own place and she is happy with me."

"What has gotten into you?" she questions. "Who do you think you are?"

"I'm Ushijima Y/n, I don't just make millions, I make more and I don't care what I have to do to keep this kid," I say. "And I know enough to know that you are Kasumi's aunt, you complete bitch. Your brother is a piece of shit, yeah, I know, I know everything about. You don't know that people I work with, you know Marigold? Yeah, she knows everything, she'll fuck your dad."

"I hope you know I do not care about my brother, I know that he was a bad person," she says. "I just don't want to send his daughter to the wrong family."

"Well she's not his daughter, she's mine and I will not be giving her back," I say.

"If you don't, you'll get charged with kidnapping," she says.

"I won't, I know someone of the police force, lots of important people know me," I say. "I have people all over this country, the world even."

"Then I quit this stupid job, keep the kid, I don't care what you do," she says hanging up.

"You are a fucking bitch," I say once I'm back on the line with Tsukishima. "And the moment I see you, I'm yelling at you."

"You're coming to see me?" he questions. "Now? Meet me somewhere, anywhere the moment you're back in the city. You're coming back to Sendai right?"

"I am half an hour away from the city, forty-five minutes till I'm home," I say.

"Y/n-," he starts.

"No more interrupting me, you are going to listen to me for once and follow what I'm saying. Because apparently, the only way I can get something is by saying it this time, if I don't say it now I won't ever. Kei, this our last shot, fuck up again and I'll kill you," I say.

"Yes, anything," he says. "I'll do anything, just tell me."

"I am putting Kasumi to bed, Kasumi my daughter, I'm coming over to your place to punch you," I breathe. "Then I'm going to kiss you, and we are not having sex until I say,"

"Meet me at the cafe," he says.

"How stupid do you think I am Kei?" I ask. "Really, how stupid do you think I am, be honest? Because you, Christopher and Wakatoshi all seem to think I can't put anything together."

"I only think you're a bit stupid," he says. "I like stupid, I love stupid."

He's frantic, and I know he's sorry, tats why I love him.

"I know what your handwriting looks like, even when you try to change it," I say. "I remember getting picked up from the bar, and I can hear you talking on the phone from my room. I am not dumb, just scared. I knew it was you when I fell in love with Soji you fucking idiot."

"You knew?" he questions. "Why wouldn't you say anything?"

"Because Kei, I am stupid and scared," I say. "And I love you, I miss you, your mom, everything. Plus, Kasumi wouldn't like the neighbour so much if it wasn't for you. I can't marry Soji and Kei unless they're the same person."

"That's why you're not mad at me?" he questions. "Because you knew?"

"I wouldn't have done anything with you if I didn't know," I scoff. "That why I slept with that guy and told you. You're a prick and go to my apartment and make Kasumi's bed."

"Mom, I think I'm getting back together with Y/n," he says. "What should I do?"

He definitely forgot to mute me.

"She is going to hit you, and do not expect everything to go back to normal, you have been extremely mean to her and are lucky a girl like she is taking you back," Akina says. "Stop crying to your mother, and do not mess this up again."

"I hate you Kei," I say.

"She's not on mute," he says frantically. "Mom, what do I do?"

"Tsukishima Kei, you are twenty years old and crazier than ever," Akina says. "I swear you are bipolar, go home and listen to Y/n. If I have to make another bullshit speech just to make you happy, it's over."

"This is why you don't drink wine," he mutters. "And Y/n, get off the phone you shouldn't talk on the phone while you're driving."

Guys, I think this is it, I think I'm finally getting myself what I want. And I'll it took was a kid.

"Thank you, Kasumi," I smile hanging up the phone looking at her in the mirror. "You saved me."

"You should change your password, who do you think unblocked him from your phone?" she says opening her eyes. "Does that mean you can be my mom?"

"Yeah," I laugh with tears in my eyes. "Maybe, I don't know, I hope. As long as I can not fuck this up."

"You said the f word."

After writing this, I don't even want them to get back together yet.


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