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Y/n's pov

"If you weren't then I wouldn't be marrying you," Kei says. "And what are you doing here?"

"I've come here to kill you," I say. "Because the gods have spoken. Time to die."

"For real, what are you doing here?" he asks.

"Oh, we all decided to follow you and your squad," I shrug. "Then they saw everyone jumping off so they decided to go down, I of course waited up here to see my one and only true love. Now jump into the dark."

"Fine," he says tugging off his shirt.


"I'm only with you for your body," I say. "I'm being one hundred percent honest."

"Mhm," he nods his head. "Of course you are. Now I'm hurt."

"I'm just kidding," I say. "I'm only with you because of your money."

"Such a joy you are," he says shoving his shirt into the plastic bag. "What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna jump with you," I say.

"You're gonna freeze," he says.

"It's fine, there are some warm clothes down there," I say talking off my shirt. "If we jump fast, then it'll be fine."

"Okay, but do you really need to strip down to your underwear?" he asks. "You're really going to freeze."

"Well, you're gonna strip down to your underwear too," I say. "So it's fine."

"You're crazy," he says.

"But that's by you love me," I say. "So get out of those pants."

"You've gotta get out of yours too," he says.

"Aren't you going to at least take me to diner first?" I laugh.

God, I'm fucking freezing.

"You cold?" he asks.

"Nah, I'm a bad bitch," I say shoving the rest of the clothes into the plastic back.

"God this is so stupid," he says before tossing the bag off the cliff down to the others. "You ready?"

"Uh, yeah," I say looking over the edge.

"You're scared?" he asks.

Hmm, I wonder if I'm scared. Jumping off of a huge ass cliff, I'm totally not scared...

"Here," he bends over.

"Thank god," I mutter before getting on his back.

"You ready?" he asks backing up.

"Hey now, we are not doing a running start," I say. "It's just gonna be even more intense."

"That's the point."

Great, he's running now.

"Kei now should be a good time to tell you that I can't swim!" I yell just as his feet leave the cliff.


That was a lie, I can swim, I just wanted to make him panic. And that was fucking scary, I mean, what part about jumping blindly off a cliff in the dark isn't scary? And that water was fucking freezing.

"Holy shit," I say once my head surfaces from under the water.

"You okay?" Kei asks, grabbing onto me.

"Kei, I can swim," I say as he starts pulling me towards the rocks where the others are.

"Holy shit, I didn't think either of them would actually jump down here," Kyoutani says.

"Nice underwear Y/n," Azalea laughs.

"Yeah, tits are looking marvellous tonight," Bunny says.

"I'm freezing," I say. "And where are Hinata and Kageyama-?"

I guess that splash explains it.

"I need clothes," I say digging in the bag. "Before I die."

"Wow, I didn't think Y/n would actually have the balls to ever do that," Bunny says. "I'm proud."

"Okay, I'm getting changed," I say grabbing some clothes, and of course Bunny's bag of treasures.

Bunny is always sure to have her bag stocked up, which is perfect because my bra is soaking wet right now.

"Kei, come on I need you to make sure no one sees my ass," I say. "Grab some towels."

"Oh, the two love birds running off together," Bokuto says. "Better keep it pg."

"Yeah, but if they aren't then give me a heads up so I can leave," Kyoutani says. "I really don't need to hear anything."

"Guys, I have family right over there," I say pointing at Hyunn and Wakatoshi.

"Yeah but apparently that doesn't stop Tsuki does it?" Kuroo laughs. "*cough* *cough* the shower *cough* *cough*."

"Oh my god does everybody know about that?" I question.


"Pretty much."

"I wish I didn't."

"Fine, I'm changing before I get hypothermia and die," I say. "Or get sick, if I get sick then my wedding will be poop garbage."

"Try to keep the volume down, we don't need another Christmas party incident," Atsumu laughs.

"I hope you all get sick and can't come to my wedding," I say. "Well that's a lie, but still. You all better come."



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