If you don't think she's a good actress, you're broken

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Y/n's pov

Eventually, Kei and I went back to the hotel for the night. Without Kasumi because I guess my mom's just trying to get all her bonding time in with her now. So she'll be spending the night with my mother, probably watching movies and learning about capitalism. She also sent her assistant shopping, for me, so now I have a whole load of expensive clothes that I really don't need.

But hey, I love clothing, so so much, maybe even more than Kei.

"You're staring at those bags like you're in love with them," he says. "Hey, why are you looking at the bags the way you look at me?"

"Relax, I only maybe love clothes more than you," I say opening up a bag. "Don't worry."

"Good thing the closet in my bedroom, well our bedroom is really big," he says. "So you'll have all the room you can dream of."

"Though the sizing between here and the states are not too welcoming," I laugh. "But the clothes are so cute."

"Who cares about the size, health is better," he shakes his head. "Who cares."

"Is it hard for you to find pants?" I ask. "Like do you have to order them online? Or get them made?"

"I just order them, or go to the store," he says. "Everywhere has longer pants, are you dumb?"

"You wanna know what's in this bag?" I ask holding it up.

"Ew, no," he says. "I don't care about your clothes."

"Are you sure you don't want to know what's in this bag?" I ask again, watching him flop down on the bed. "It might interest you, it was a personal request on the shopping list from myself."

"Then what is it?" he asks. "If it's more pyjamas, you've got enough I don't think anything will interest me."

"It's a birthday present for you," I smile. "But since you don't think it'll interest you, you can wait until next month for me to give it to you."

"Just tell me, or show me," he says. "Now I'm interested, come on, show me."

"Nope," I say folding the bag closed. "You already said that you weren't. You really should stop trying to pretend that you're always uninterested."

"Just show me," he says. "I'm interested, or just tell me."

"You snooze you lose," I laugh moving on to next bag. "But don't worry, I'll show you the present next month."

"I'm not waiting," he says getting off the bed to grab the bag. "It's empty."

"Yeah, I know," I say. "I obviously had to take the surprise out because you always peek, small tool Tsuki back at it again."

"Oh my god, will you stop calling me that?" he asks. "You know it's not true, one day you're gonna call me that then Kasumi is going to repeat it to someone."

"Easy, I won't say it in front of her," I say hitting his leg. "And don't stand over top of me like that, especially when I'm sitting on the ground. It feels like you're going to step on me."

"As if I'd ever step on you, I don't want to listen to you whine about it," he scoffs.

"Yeah, of course, you don't," I laugh. "Kei does hate winning so so much, isn't that right."

"Oh shut up," he says. "You're annoying, I shoulda got a separate room."

"So we're gonna spend the night curled up under the blanket watching movies right?" I ask.

"Well obviously."

Can anyone guess what the surprise is? Also, remember when all the chapters used to be a whole lot of wholesome sweet filler? Let's bring that back.


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