My set (nails) today was 100$

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This isn't my hand but basically what I got. But, there were more gems and crystals because why not and they are stiletto nails so they're super pointy and roughly an inch long.

Y/n's pov

"So you drove your car all the way here, then took the train back?" I ask as we walk into the parking lot. "What was the point?"

"Oh yeah, I have something for you before we get in the car," he says setting the basket of apples on the ground. "I thought about what my seventeen-year-old self would've bought you for your seventeenth birthday, so here."

"So what? Gifts come alone with all these dates?" I laugh.

"Well obviously," he says handing me a small gift bag.

"What is it?" I ask shaking the bag.

"Maybe try opening it, heard that works wonders," he says.

"Okay smart guy," I say quickly opening it. "Now explain why you bought me a mini suit."

"Looking at it now, this was a terrible idea," he says.

"Wait, is this from Build-A-Bear?" I question. "Oh my god, is this for the mini you bear?"

"Yeah, that stupid one you keep in your office," he says.

"So he can be all business," I hasp. "I love it, you're so smart, why are you smart?"

"Because I have to compensate for you," he says.

"Let's not forget that like half an hour ago we were laughing and joking about newton on things," I say.

"No, don't even start with that," he says looking up. "I have to drive and I need to breathe."

"Don't be an oppressor and look up at the sky," I say. "What, you love the sky so much? Why don't you marry the sky?"

"Stop saying that I oppress you," he says. "One day you are going to make some dramatic claim and I'm going to get punched in the face, and I am tired of getting punched in the face by people you know."

"When was the last time you were punched in the face by someone I know?" I ask.

"Uh, like a year ago," he says picking up the basket. "Now come on, we've got more plans."

"Who all has punched you in the face, of threatened to punch you?" I ask getting into the car.

"Yamaguchi and Ushijima," he says. "They have both punched me in the face."

"Okay, Yamaguchi was your friend first," I say. "And don't go over to see Ushijima if you did something stupid, then you won't get hit."

"And pretty much anybody else you know has threatened to harm me," he says. "I mean, I deserved them but it's a lot."

"It can't be that bad," I say.

"That Shirabu guy told me he'd drug me and donate me to his med school for work. Marigold said that she'd call someone she knows and put a hit on me. Oh and Kasumi told me that she'd tell Christopher to run me over, and he told me that he'd do it," he says. "One day, I'm going to get killed."

"You aren't going to get killed as long as you aren't a whore," I say. "If I was a whore, Bunny would punch me. And sleeping with that one guy and kissing Kageyama doesn't count."

"Well I'm never going to do anything stupid again," he says. "Then my mom will beat me, or worse, take away my glasses."

"Yeah, then you wouldn't be able to see how hot I am," I say. "It would be such a shame."

"Yeah, such a shame that would be," he says.

"I know you love these hips dips," I say. "Oh my god, we should get tattoos."

"There's not enough time to get one today," he says.

"Wait, you'll actually get one with me?" I ask. "Just a small one, you can get a triceratops and I'll get a brontosaurus. You're not playing with me right?"

"Yeah sure," he shrugs. "If it's small."

"Can we get it on our wrists?" I ask.

"Sure," he says.

So we're gonna get matching tattoos in the future, cool.

Idc, I'm getting a lip piecing next month.


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