Untitled Part 192

552 34 5

Y/n's pov

Yelling, ah yes, that's the sound I love to wake up to.

"I will stab you!" Kasumi yells. "And I borrowed these scissors from Teacher Suga so you know they are not safety."

"I didn't do anything!" Kei yells.

Okay well, he's not yelling, but still, if it's loud enough to get me to wake up, I'm not happy. Death to them all.

"Get out of my house!" she continues to yell. "I don't like you anymore!"

"I already told you that I did nothing," Kei says. "You need to calm down before the neighbours call cps, or worse, we wake your mother up before ten."

As I said, death to them both.

"You ruined my whole day!" she yells. "My whole year, you always cause problems."

"I did nothing to you," Kei says again. "Just put down the scissors, this is not how we behave no matter how angry we are, okay Kasumi? And tell me what's gotten you so angry this morning, please."

"I'm kicking you out," she says. "Get off the counter and leave."

Is he seriously downstairs on the counter trying to hide from her? Man, what the hell.

"You can't kick me out," Kei says. "I pay rent. Only Y/n can kick me out, and I didn't do anything. I want to have this resolved before she wakes up."

"Why were talking to some girl this morning, huh?" Kasumi questions. "Is my mom not pretty enough for you? Huh, Kei?"

"Kasumi," Kei sighs. "You are crazier than your mother. You are five, and you need to remember that okay?"

"I know that I am five," she says. "If I wasn't five then I'd definitely get five years for cutting your toes off- Hey! Let me go!"

"You can't play with scissors like that," he says.

And yes, I have now crept down the stairs enough to hear them better. Anyway, Kasumi, keep going I want to know who the girl was.

"If you hold me upside down like this then all the blood is gonna rush to my head and I'm going to die," she says.

"Fine there," he says.

I'm going to assume that she is no longer upside down now.

"Did you know that you can't kiss people that aren't my mom?" Kasumi asks. "She'll cry, and be depressed."

"I did not kiss anyone," Kei scoffs. "What are you on about? Did you have a dream or something?"

"Don't be dumb, you've got lipstick smudged on your lips," Kasumi says. "And I know for a fact that I didn't do your makeup when you were asleep."

"What the hell," he says. "That dumb-. Kasumi, that girl who stopped by was not a girl, he was some teenage boy who does the paper runs."

"Then why did you let the culprit inside?" she questions. "Hmm?"

"It's freezing, he came inside for five minutes so I could grab him a spare coat," Kei says. "Calm now?"

"Oh..." she pauses. "Well, you also told Dashi that I like Dai and so I'm mad about that."

"You told Dai multiple times that you are going to marry him," he says. "Calm down."

"Whatever," she says. "I'm sorry for calling you Kei, I know that you're my dad."

"And I'm sorry for not reading your mind to figure out why you were angry," Kei says.

"You are forgiven," she says. "Now we need to grab food because I fed all the bananas to s-word-ling."

I don't think I want to know.

"Fine, we'll grab food before your mom wakes up," he says. "Grab a jacket."

"Uh, I didn't think your poor eyesight affected your sense of erection," she says.

"Direction," Kei is very quick to correct her. "Direction, it's direction Kasumi. And my sense of direction is perfectly fine."

"Well that's the way to the upstairs," she says.

"You see this stupid lipstick?" he asks. "Your mother seems to think that during the night, I kiss her face. Like a habit."

"Well, do you?" she asks.

"Well obviously I do or else I wouldn't be heading upstairs to wipe her face," he says. "I'd rather her not have her fun by seeing the lipstick that I'm sure has rubbed off onto her face."

"Ah," she says. "You are an odd guy."

"I am not," he says.

Now, what to do, what to do... These fools did wake me up... I've got it. But now, I must run back up the stairs.

"Kei, I just tripped on your dinosaur figurine and broke it!" I call out.

"What!?" He questions, I can hear his tall ass running up the stairs.

"Loser," Kasumi laughs.

"Thank goodness that when I tripped I was able to pull myself back up using the laces on Kasumi's skates!" I add.

"No I have them perfectly laced!" she yells following Kei up the stairs.

"Which one was it?" Kei asks frantically. "Parker or was it frizzle? Tell me it's not Corddy the third."

"Please mom, wear are the knife shoes?" Kasumi asks. "I need to make sure my babies are okay."

Proof that I am not the only child in this house.

"I broke nothing," I laugh. "You should see the look on your faces."

"Y/n, we've got three rules in this house," Kei says. "Don't joke about serious things-."

"-don't lie... unless there's a really good reason," Kasumi adds.

"And don't wake up Y/n before ten," I say. "If you guys break a rule, so can I."

"Not fair," Kei says. "You have the sleeping needs of a child, Kasumi's the one who was yelling."

"Dad was the one who was prostituted to you, so it's his own fault he has to deal with me," she says.

"I think you mean proposed," I laugh.

"You know, I'm starting to think that you guys just love to correct me. First, it's erection, then prostituted, teacher Suga tells me not to spell coming with a 'u'," she shakes her head. "What's next? Are you guys gonna tell me that it's socializing not soliciting, that Italians are real!?"

"Yes, yes to all of those things," Kei says.

"Except for the Italians."



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