Your mom sus

732 52 48

Y/n's pov

This kid is interesting, kinda weird, but interesting, he's also really nice. But he also says something to Kasumi and I have to use all my self-control not to burst out laughing.

"Kasumi, if you don't eat your food slowly and take smaller bites, you're gonna choke and die and then you can't skate," Dai says.

"Ghosts can skate, I'll haunt the rink," she says. "Watch me, I'll do it."

"But ghosts don't have taste buds," he says.

"Yes they do, I'll be a different ghost," she says. "You know nothing about my type of ghosts."

"You don't get to haunt the rink if you die in the kitchen," he says. "Then you'll have to haunt your place."

"I will be a travelling ghost, like Casper," she says. "There."

"Your family will be sad," he says.

"It's okay, I'll haunt them so they aren't alone," she says.

"You aren't allowed to die," Dai says.

"You can't tell me what to do," she says. "I am Kasumi."

"I am Dai, and I'm older," he says. "So you have to listen to me."

"Yeah, one month older than me," she says. "That doesn't count."

"Okay," he says. "I give up."

"What, why?" she asks. "Are you admitting defeat? You know in doing so, I win right?"

"You spent all your time talking to me you had to take smaller bites and eat slowly, now you're all done," he smiles. "I win."

"Kei, he's so cute," I whisper grabbing onto him. "Look he's smiling."

"Mhm," he nods his head. "You want one?"

"What?" I ask.

"A son, you want one?" he asks.

"Nope," I say. "Not thank you, in your dreams."

"I want a brother," Kasumi says.

Oh great, here we go with this.

"No," I say. "No brother, you can hang out with Dai."

"I want a brother," she says lightly hitting the table. "Go and get one."

"Look what you did Kei," I shake my head. "Now she's going to be one again."

"Kasumi, look I turned your cheese string into the cheese string man," Dai says. "But don't worry, he's a bad guy so you can eat him guilt-free."

"Mom look!" she yells. "Look what Dai made for me, can I feed it to s-word-ling?"

"Yeah sure," I say.

"You can't give her too much," Kei says. "She'll get sick."

"She was born in a dumpster," I say.

"Kasumi of the cat?" Dai asks.

"Hey Dai, you wanna play a game?" she asks. "It's called I'll be uncle Dashi and you be mister."

"What's that game?" Kei asks.

"It depends, what setting?" Dai asks.

"Tokyo training camp," she smiles.

"No, I don't like that setting," Dai says. "Mister gets grabbed by his shirt."

"Sorry Kei, Yamaguchi told me then I told Kasumi," I say.

"Oh great," he says.

"Fine," Kasumi sighs. "We can play... I'll be mister you be my mom and we'll go in the closer and pretend it's a theatre."

Yes, I told this kid my whole life story.

"You be your mom, I can't fall asleep on command," he says.

"Oh yeah," she says. "I'll be my mom."

"Y/n, is it okay if we bring snacks into Kasumi's room?" Dai asks, turning to me. "We won't make a mess."

"Of course you can," I say. "Grab whatever you want."

"Thank you," he says.

"Dai, you have to get into character," Kasumi says.

"I am," he says. "Come on Kasumi."

"That's not what you're supposed to say," she whispers.

"Okay," he sighs. "Come on dumb a-word."

I can't with these two, I love them.

"What don't you tell her?" Kei asks once they disappear upstairs.

"Anything that's above pg thirteen," I say. "Don't worry about it."

"You're such a pain," he says resting against me.

"You're gonna squish me," I say trying to get him to stand up normally. "And I'm gonna fall."

"Let's watch Jurassic park in our closet," he says.

Let's kiss every time we see a dinosaur. I'm just kidding.

"Hurry up and say yes already," he says.

"Yeah I'm going," I say. "Let me grab snacks."


Considering the movies both ended at the same time, it was no wonder they met in the upstairs hallway.

"Did yours fall asleep during the credits too?" Tsukishima asked.

"Yeah, I couldn't pick her up though so I just wrapped her in a blanket and left her in the closet," Dai says. "She's talking in her sleep about-."

"Roblox," they both nod their heads.

"I left mine in the closet too, I could pick her up but I'll leave her on the floor for the memories," Tsukishima says. "I gave her a blanket though."

"Kasumi gave me this Peppa pig hair clip," Dai says holding it up. "What does it mean?"

"I've got a Shrek one," Tsukishima unzipped his hoodie to show the old hair clip clipped inside. "It means you won."

"Won what?" he asks.

"The lottery," he nods his head. "You'll understand eventually."

"Can I ask Kasumi to marry me in eighteen years?" he asks. "I'll be nice to her."

"It's you, or no one," Tsukishima says. "Now let's go and watch Shrek the third, I can never watch it in peace because-."

"It makes them cry," they both nod their heads again before heading downstairs.

Gonna go eat a sweet potato.


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