Pov there's a fire

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Y/n's pov

"Well, I guess it's nice to meet you," I say shifting in the seat across from them... my parents.

Yeah, it's very awkward now. When I walked into the room, Marigold's face was drenched in tears, never in all the years had I known her had I seen her so distraught.

"It's lovely to finally meet you," Hyun smiles. "Cheer up Marigold, she's not gonna hate you... Well actually..."

Hyun on the other hand just seems happy to be here.

"You absolute idiot," Marigold says. "Wipe that smile off your face before I knock it off."

"What? You got to see her every day, this is my first time seeing her in person," Hyun says. "I can't help it."

"I don't hate you guys," I say folding my hands together. "Kinda relieved actually."

"Why?" Marigold asks.

"Well, what I was told growing up was that my parents were cheating bastards who abandoned me with my father's mistress," I laugh. "So at least now I know that my parents were people who just wanted to put me somewhere they knew I'd succeed in life and that my mom... well Hoshiko wasn't just left with me like I was trash, but she decided to let me stay with her."

"Hoshiko is still your mom," Marigold says. "You grew up with her, and I never saw myself as a mother."

"So, how did you two meet?" I ask.

"I was fifteen, she was fourteen and we were both at the police station in Washington dc," Hyun says. "That's when we first officially met."

"Oh my god," Marigold says. "We were at some party, and I was dared to kiss him so I did then I ran off."

"The next day, I'm being arrested while I was out walking around the city," he says. "Boom, next thing y'know I'm being yelled at by some cops for Sexual Interference with a Minor."

"What?" I ask.

"Yeah, apparently there was a video of the whole kiss going around. And I'll be the first person to admit that my hands can wander, but Marigold's hands moved just as much as mine," Hyun says.

"Okay, you can stop with the kiss now," Marigold mutters. "Just get back to the story."

"Fine. I really looked like a full-grown man at fifteen, they thought I was a twenty-two-year-old man feeling up on a fourteen-year-old girl," he says. "And my fake idea and passport backed that up. So I was in deep shit, not to mention I could barely understand a word they were saying to me."


"So that when marigold saved the day," he smiles. "She explained that I had snuck into the country with fake identification."

"I hardly saved anything, I got you deported back to south Korea," Marigold scoffs. "Then you spent the next year in prison."

"Yeah, but my pretty little pen pal girlfriend came to visit me once I was released," Hyun says. "Isn't that right, you left your family just for me?"

"I left my family because I was kicked out," she scoffs.

"I like to think you did it all in the name of love," he smiles. "Now back to the story."

"So you guys lived in Korea together?" I ask.

"Yeah, for a bit," he says. "I was in a gang, so that's the whole reason I had ran off to the states. Don't worry, I didn't sell drugs or kill anyone, I got my cash from street fights and crap."

So cool.

"Then one day, it was actually on Marigolds sixteenth birthday, she found out she was pregnant with you," he says. "So naturally, we left for Japan."

"Yeah, because we are just so smart," Marigold rolls her eyes.

"Fast forward five months, Marigold is pretty pregnant now," he says. "And I am wanted on six counts of first-degree murder and arson, a crazy world we live it isn't it."

"Let's got one thing straight, he did not hurt anyone at all," Margold says.

"So, I hide," he says. "But one day, some crazy bitch bursts into mine and Marigolds' cheap apartment, it was Hoshiko and apparently I owed her some money. But it wasn't me, they had me mistaken with some other dude. I explained everything to her, she found the guy and all was good. We moved into her estate so that I could hide, the last thing I needed was to be deported again."

Bro, what the hell was my mom on?

"Blah blah blah, I was a fugitive but then the best thing happened," he says. "Marigold went into labour and she was rushed to the hospital."

"No, that was terrible," she says. "I was scared, you idiot."

"Yeah, and she told me that on the phone," he says. "So I rushed to the hospital just in time to hold her hand before you were born. the nurses got you cleaned up and brought you back, you were so cute."

"Yeah, it was cute until some asshole called the cops on you," Marigold says.

"Boom, there's the photo," he slapping it onto the coffee table. "I didn't even get the chance to hold you."

In the photo, Marigold is holding up a baby me looking exhausted, Hyun is pulling against three police officers while he leans over to kiss the top of my head.

"Ah, what a day," he smiles looking at the photo. "I was deported that evening, on your birthday."

"You make this sound like some fairy tale," Marigold mutters.

"And thankfully since minors can't get the death penalty, I was only sentenced to one hundred and sixty-seven years in federal prison," he says. "And since I was already done for, I took on all the charges from my buddies bring my sentence up to a solid two hundred."

What's the point in giving such high sentences when the inmate won't be able to live it out?

"But with me gone, there was no way for Marigold to raise a baby in a stable home," he says, smile falling. "So, I suggested going to Hoshiko since she helped in the past. It was better to let you have a family that could support you financially, and that's not something I could do."

"So I asked her to take you and make up a story bad enough that you'd never want to even look for us," Marigold says.

Now the mood is all sad and shit.

"But it's okay," Hyun says pulling a smile back onto his face. "We got plenty of pictures of you, well Marigold got em and sent em all to me."

He pulls out a stack of photos.

"This one here is my favourite though," he says holding it up. "You and Marigold here in the cafe, I love this one."

"Speaking about the cafe," Marigold says. "Five years into his sentence he was cleared for arson and given a sum of money, and here we are."

"Oh yeah," he says. "Fun times."

"So, how did you get out this time?" I ask.

"Hoshiko moved to Korea to help with my case, and eventually all the evidence was provided to clear my name. My recorded wiped and name cleared, though it took over twenty years to do, I'm happy to be out," he says. "And happy to get the chance to meet my daughter... assuming that's what I can call you, please?"

"Yeah, that's fine," I laugh because if I don't I might just cry.

"Look, I'm not your mom but I am," Marigold says. "Call Hyun what you want."

"I'm fine having two moms," I say standing up. "And I'm sure Kasumi will be happy to know she'll have more family to get presents from."

Then, I made a full groan man covered in tattoos and scars cry like a baby. And all it took was a quick long-awaited hug.

Yeah, I change things too much.


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