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Y/n's pov

"Mr. neighbour man brought us food," Kasumi says shaking me awake. "He said that he didn't want you to starve me."

"You talked to the neighbour man?" I ask rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Well no, but I typed some of the long note into the google thing to make it say it to me," she says handing me the note. "I think he put it under the door when he left a bag. I already ate the pancakes so you have to have the waffles, and I also took a taste test from your waffles."

'I don't want cps showing up because you starved your kid today, it'd be a pain. Also, the walls are thin and I could hear you yelling about the moon all night. I'll call your landlord and get you evicted.'

It's nice to know that this building is full of welcoming people.

"I'd say that it's poisoned but he probably doesn't want the blood of a child on his hands," I say grabbing some food from the bag.

"Can you cook?" Kasumi asks. "Or do rich people not cook?"

"I can cook," I say. "Somethings, basic things... I can cook enough. I can bake cakes."

"So when it's my birthday you can make me a cake," she says. "And take me to use the knife shoes."

"It's called ice skating," I say. "And yeah of course I'll take you, and buy you some skates too."

"When's your birthday?" she asks.

"In October," I say.

"Can I get invited to your birthday party please?" she asks crawling into my lap, well forcing herself there. "I'll draw you a picture."

"We will have our own party together," I say. "And watch movies."

"Barbie?" she questions.

"Of course, barbie all the way," I laugh. "Only the best."

"We should give the neighbour some cake," she says. "I bet he likes cake."

"Yeah, we'll force him to take it," I say. "What kind of cake should we make then?"

"Um... Ice cream ones, or the kind with strawberries and cream," she says. "Strawberry tiny cake."

"Fine, strawberry tiny cake it is," I laugh. "Now you should probably get showered or bathed before we go to Ikea, go one now."

"Lisen here, I may be able to wander off to a park, talk like a thirteen-year-old, spell February, but I can't bath myself," she says. "You have to, I'm just a little kid."

"Yeah I'm dumb," I say. "I forgot that I'm the one who pays rent here and not you."

"Baddies don't pay rent," she says. "They buy houses, but not just any houses, penthouses."

"You want to live in a penthouse?" I ask.

"Yeah, like the size of a normal house put a pent one," she says. "You should move into a penthouse."

"Maybe one day," I shrug.

"Yeah, when you marry the moon," she nods her head. "And have babies."

"Yeah, not gonna happen," I say. "Kids are weird."

"You just insulted my whole brand," she says. "But it's understandable."

"Okay, bathtime," I say standing up with her in my arms. "I've got bubbles."

"Bubbles are only for intellectuals," she says. "So I expected them for me, they better be Peppa."

"Don't worry," I say. "They are."

Guess where this story is heading, rn, in the comments.


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