Pov, they get engaged

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Y/n's pov

Arata was arrested, and charges were laid against him, some of which include child abduction since he had basically led a child to his apartment without the knowledge or consent of the parents, drug charges, and many more. Azalea didn't get involved with the cops or anything like that, Dai was taken by social services since they needed to know what he's witnessed.

Azalea briefly went over what happened before she moved to Japan, and don't worry she and Dai will be just fine. She told Yamaguchi about Dai a long time ago, but she never expected to find him. Dai, Yamaguchi, Azalea and Kasumi are going to the children's home later, thanks to my connections Azalea will be able to take Dai home without having to go through the police and other people like that.

And Kei, well he came home after he caught wind of the whole situation.

"Why would you go over there, you could've been hurt," he says. "I told you not to go over there."

"Yeah because he was sketchy, and look he was sleeping with underage girls," I say. "He's dangerous."

"I don't care, you shouldn't have gone over there," he says. "Regardless of anything, I told you not to."

"I'm not stupid Kei," I say. "And I tried to call you, it's not like I went to some random house in the middle of the field. It's the apartment building, there are security guards and neighbours. Everyone knew where I was going."

"Just because I don't answer your calls doesn't mean you can go and do stupid things," he says.

"Despite what you think, I can handle myself," I say.

"No, you can't," he says.

"You treat me like I'm stupid and can't even speak for myself," I say. "But I can manage my life just fine."

"You can't," he insists.

"I work every day, pay my bills, help take care of Kasumi, stop acting like I'm just some child who can't even speak for themselves," I say.

"Yeah because constantly mopping around the moment something doesn't go your way is so mature," he rolls his eyes.

"I still do what I need to do," I say. "Even when we weren't together and I wanted to do nothing but mop around I went to school, or work."

"Then maybe you should break up with me if you can be so independent," he says. "Runaway from your problems, or jump right into ones and almost get hurt."

"You run away from any conflict you face, Kei," I say. "Don't act like you don't, when have we ever sat down and talked about anything?"

"Well you never talk to me about anything," he says. "What do you expect me to do Y/n?"

"I try to talk to you, Kei. Every day, but you dismiss everything and say that it's okay, but it's not okay. You tell me that you don't understand me but then we never take the time to talk about everything," I say. "Anytime I have a bad day, or you have a bad day, we sleep together, we don't work out any problems."

"I am with you every single day listening to you talk about nonsense, all day every day," he says. "What more do you want?"

"You make me feel like a responsibility," I say.

"You are my responsibility," he says.

"I am not a responsibility or a chore, I'm your girlfriend," I say. "Your girlfriend."

"Same thing," he says.

"Don't hunch over me like that, you know I hate it," I say.

"What? I'm just standing," he says. "So we can have a civilized conversation."

"And I don't like it when you hunch over me like that," I say.

"So what?" he questions.

"So what?" I ask shoving him away. "It make me scared when anyone does that, and for someone who claims they listen so much you should know. I tell you that."

"I'm not doing anything," he says.

"Why can't you just take a second to think about what you say, your responses are imatue," I say. "I'm trying to talk to you."

"I'm leaving," he scoffs.

"Why?" I ask.

"Can't you see that I don't want to talk to you right now?" he asks.

"I don't think you should go," I say standing in front of the door. "Please Kei, please don't leave."

"Y/n, move," he says. "I don't feel like fighting with you."

"So what is this now?" I ask.

He didn't ansewr.

Lol moment.


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