I changed my mind, Bunny looks like this

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Y/n's pov

"Azalea, what's wrong," I ask grabbing her once she gets to the side of the cafe.

"Where is Arata?" she asks. "Is he there, where is he?"

"Dai's dad?" I ask. "Do you know him?"

"Where is he?" Azalea asks again.

"I don't know, Kasumi invited him out to play today, his dad is probably at work," I say. "I don't know, I haven't spoken to him."

"Azalea, is everything all right?" Bunny asks turning the corner.

"So he lives here in Sendai?" she asks.

"Yeah, he lives in my apartment," I say. "Down the hall."

"God he's been right there the whole time?" she questions walking past me back to the cafe.

"Mom, mom Dai is crying," Kasumi says running over to grab my leg. "Is he in trouble? He says he's gonna be in trouble now."

"What? No, he's not in trouble," I say. "Why would he be in trouble?"

"Don't tell my dad," Dai sobs. "He's gonna be mad at me, he's gonna yell at me"

"What is happening?" Bunny asks.

"Shhh, you're not in trouble," Azalea says picking him up. "I won't let him yell, it's okay Dai, it's okay."


"That's him?" Marigold asks.

"Yes, yes this is him," Azalea says.

"Azalea?" I ask. "What's going on?"

"He's not going back," she mumbles.

"Mom, Dai is crying," Kasumi cries. "I don't want him to cry, make it better."

"Kasumi, I don't know what to do," I say.

"Dai is supposed to go back home today, don't make him go back home please," she says. "Please, he's gonna be in trouble."

"Why is he going to be in trouble," I ask.

"I'm not supposed to see my ma," Dai says.


So here I am, outside of Arata's apartment door, no one gave me any explanations but maybe I could get some explanations here. I tried calling Kei, but I think he left his phone in the car or something.

"Who are you?" he asks, opening the door before my fist was able to make contact with it.

"Uh, I'm Kasumi's mom," I say.

"Ah, Kasumi, Akemi's friend right?" he asks hunching over.

Kei was right, he is big. And Akemi? Dai?

"Yeah," I say. "Kasumi was wondering if Dai could spend the night, is that alright?"

"Why don't you come in, I've heard nothing about you, it'd be nice to introduce myself," he says opening the door wider.

Now, before you guys drag me for being stupid, it's fine, I'm an adult.

"Sure," I say walking in, slipping off my shoes as he closes the door.

"Make yourself comfortable," he says motioning his hand towards the couch. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Uh, a tea is fine please," I smile. "Thank you."

His apartment is rather large, it's organized and well kept. But there are little to no photos.

"So, where are you from?" he asks from the kitchen.

"Here," I say.

"You look Korean, and American," he says. "What are your parents?"

"I was adopted," I say.

"Hmm," he humms. "Do you know English?"

"Nope," I say. "You?"

Yes, Y/n, we love lying.

"I do," he says. "Do you take anything in your tea?"

"No, thank you," I say watching him walk back over to me.

"So, is Kasumi adopted as well?" he asks handing me the cup. "She looks very Japanese."

"Uh, yeah, she is adopted," I say.

Well, not yet, but she basically is.

"You're a bit young to adopt," he says.

"Um... Akemi needs some more clothes to spend the night, do you mind getting some?" I ask.

"Of course," he says getting up. "His room is just over here."

Dai's room was nice, but it's not his room I was interested in. The moment he got into Dai's room to grab clothes, I opened the opposite door.

"What the hell are you doing?" He questioned closing the door almost as fast as I opened it. "Have you no manners?"

"I needed the bathroom," I say taking a few steps back. "There's a girl in there."

"My girlfriend," he says, all traces of his friendly demeanour gone. "Not that it's any of your business."

"She looks young," I say.

"Good genes," he says.

"I don't think so," I say. "How old is she?"

"Old enough," he says.

"I saw a school uniform on the floor," I say.

"She's eighteen," he says.

"There are first-year textbooks in your kitchen," I say. "You like young teenagers?"

"Shut up," he says. "If you know what's good for you."

"Young girls like how Azalea was?" I ask. "Young girls from the states who have no way of sustaining themselves? Young girls, who have your child, Dai?"

Why yes, I did start running o the door after that, but I bumped into someone the moment I swung open the door.

"Y/n?" he questions. "Wha are you doing here?"

"Who are you?" Arata questions. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Officer Sawamura from Sendai's police department," Daichi says holding up his badge. "I've got a few questions for you."



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