Pov they break up again

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Y/n's pov

For someone who hated the first time we slept on the balcony so much, he sure spent his time making it look like an ideal date out here.

"This would've also been a good time to propose to you," he says.

"Then do it," I say. "No balls."

"I'd rather not," he says.

"Then some bringing it up," I groan. "I'll pour this food on your head."

"If you get to bring up kids I can bring up marriage," he says. "Since you get so excited I can do the same thing. And don't waste that food I made you."

"I won't' waste it, I would never commit such a crime in my life before," I say. "I am a child of God who follows a strict set of rules, I am holy."

"Holy?" he laughs. "Yeah, and you totally are a child of God."

"Do you know how many people were fucking back in Jesus' time?" I question. "Uh, the answer is many. The bible says that sex is good, and actually, you're committing a sin by not marrying me."

"We're not even religious," he says. "We aren't committing any kind of sin."

"Kei is a sinner," I shake my head. "Sinner, sinner, sinner."

"Yeah well the bible also gives instructions on how to own slaves," he says. "So you wanna follow that."

"I don't follow the bible all that much anyway," I say leaning against him. "I follow my own rules."

"Go ahead then," he says.

"And my rules say that you should give me the present you have in your pocket," I say.

"My rules say that you should eat your food because I know you'll wake up in the middle of the night feeling hungry then wake men up," he says.

"You are force-feeding me," I say. "That's all you do, hoe."

"Then I'll eat it, give it to me," he says.

"Uh no, stop trying to be a mooch," I say. "Let me eat in peace."

The food? So good, and I'm not just saying that because. But then again, I did use to eat mystery mush from a bag. Y'know, as much as Kei talks so big I know he's just so completely in love with me, I can see that mf staring at me.

"What, you got a staring problem?" I ask.

"I don't see it as a problem when it's you I'm staring at," he says.

"Ew, stop flirting with me," I say. "It's weird."

"Well when you start acting salty I have to make up for it," he says.

"Fine then, can I have my present now?" I ask. "I'll smile."

"Ew no," he says. "You look like a gremlin."

"Jokes on you, you told me years ago that I looked like an underdeveloped gremlin, those are the cute ones," I say. "Take that, I'm cute."

"Not anymore, I fed you after dark," he laughs. "You'll wake up ugly."

"I always wake up ugly, take that," I say.

Wait... Kei, tell me I'm not ugly.

"Agreed," he laughs.

"Divorced," I say. "Oh wait, we can't get divorced because we aren't married."

"Don't worry, I've already go it planned out, it'll be perfect. I talked to my mom, and everyone, trust me you want to wait," he says.

"Just tell me when," I say.

"It's on a good date, I planned it out," he says. "The day, setting, everything will be perfect."

"You're more excited than I am," I say.

"I am excited for you, you don't know what's gonna happen yet so you can't understand it," he says. "But trust me, you'll love it."

"Fine, I'll trust you," I say sighing dramatically.

"And here is your twenty-first birthday present," he says holding out a small box.

"I know it's a ring," I say holding out my hand. "Can you put it on, well can you put it on?"

"Yeah, just close your eyes," he says.

"I know that," I say. "It's tradition because we are the definition of couple goals."

"Open," he says.

"Oh my god, you did not!" I yell. "Kei!"

"Stop screaming," he hushes. "People are going to think that you're getting hurt or something."

"Where did you get this?" I ask. "And with Halloween."

"I got it custom made, I already ordered it before your Halloween costume plan," he says. "So it works out."

Yes, everyone, it is the ring from howls moving castle. And yes, this is basically a stand-in for an engagement, well from my standing point.

"I love it," I say. "This is the best thing I've gotten all day."

"Yeah, why do you think I saved it for last?" he asks. "I knew you scream like an idiot."

"Thank you, really, thank you," I say. "No jokes this time, thank you for everything."

"Y'know, you don't need to thank me like I'm going away," he says. "It's nerve-racking."

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna do what everyone thinks I'm gonna do," I say.

"Still, makes it sound like you're gonna kill me or something," he says.

"I won't kill you," I say. "Too messy."

"Wow, I feel so happy right now," he says.

"Wheres the sarcasm?" I ask. "Hmm?"

"I wasn't being sarcastic."

Go to Tokyo, Halloween, skip, work, skip, b-day, filler, important, fun, big twist, that's what's probably gonna happen in the story.


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