I'm not a sadist

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Y/n's pov

"Uh, hello," I say poking my head into the nurse's office. "Anyone here?"

"Yeah Hunny, just sit down with the other ones," she says. "I'm not done lunch."

"I just need an ice pack or something," I say.

"I'm eating lunch," she says holding up her bowl. "Lunch, do you understand? Eating time, do you get it?"

"Um... nevermind," I say. "I don't need an ice pack."

"Hunny, you're all busted up, you need an ice pack," she says. "What are you nuts?"

Oh, she definitely loves her job.

"Nuts? Sorry, I don't understand," I say turning away to leave.

I hate it here.

"Did you get beat up or something?" A girl asks stopping in front of me.

"Uh yeah-what are you- Ow," I say pushing her hand away. "What are you doing?"

"I have an ice pack," she says. "You need one right?"

"Yeah, but why are you rubbing those wipes on my hand?" I ask. "That shit burns."

"It's a Clorox wipe," she says. "It's not supposed to burn."

"I have a cut on my hand," I say. "So that shit gonna burn."

"You need the ice pack right?" she asks.

"Yeah I do," I say.

"Well I don't know what you've touched, and I don't want to catch anything from letting you use my icepack," she says. "So clean up."

"Fine," I say taking the wipe. "I don't have any diseases, they had me checked."

"Tests don't always work, plus you walked into the nurse's office," she says. "It's risky just approaching you with a four-day quarantine."

"What's wrong with the nurse's office?" I ask.

"All the kids that go in there are packed full of STI's," she says. "Herpes is like a new fashion statement here."

"That's tasty," I say walking over to throw out the wipe. "Can I have the ice pack now?"

"Yeah sure," she says handing it to me.

"If you were gonna put it in a Ziplock bag then why did I have to use a wipe?" I ask.

"Because," she says. "Extra precautions. So what happened to you?"

"The principal's daughter," I grumble. "Ashley, she does lacrosse."

"Oh, that sucks for you," she says. "Ashley's last victim went back home over the summertime, a nice girl from Hong-kong."

Oh so she has it out for people from Asia, that's fun.

"Her last victim?" I ask. "Like her punching bag?"

"I don't want to scare you or anything, but pretty much," she says. "They don't die or anything."

"She's gonna beat me every day," I say. "Just for existing."

"Don't worry, she doesn't pick fights in front of people," she says. "Hang out with someone and you won't die."

"I don't have any friends," I say. "Please mysterious Clorox girl, please let me hang around you at school."

"No," she says. "You look sticky."

"I won't touch you," I say. "I'll clean my hands with the Clorox."

"It's not like Ashley is going to kill you," she says. "Just hid from her."

"Please, just let me follow you around," I say. "Like a shadow, I'm not even here, ima hallucination."

"Fine," she says. "At least three feet apart, at least. I don't want to get wrapped up with Ashley and you, so after school hours I'll have to just give you my condolences."

"I can live with that," I say. "I got this William and I can just run to his car."

"I don't know what a William is, but alright," she says.

"All I've got to worry about is lunch," I say. "That'll be a breeze."

"Okay," she says. "I've got class soon."

"Wait, lemme take a picture of your schedule," I say. "So I know where to run if I'm about to get harassed."

"Here's my Instagram," she says holding up her phone. "Message me and I'll send it to you."

"Bridgette? Your names Bridgette?" I ask.

"Yeah," she nods her head. "And your is?"

"Y/n," I say. "My name's Y/n."

"Well it's nice to meet you Y/n," she says. "I'll see you around, don't get beat up again."

"I won't," I say. "It was a one-time thing."

"Mhm," she nods her head.

Well, hopefully, it was just a one-time thing.

This sorry is gonna be so long.


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