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Y/n's pov

"And then I thought to myself, would anything bad really happen if I sealed it up," I say. "But really, almost everybody's belly buttons seal up when they were babies."

"Okay hours up," he says standing up. "Thank god."

He really did let me talk for a whole hour, without limits, literally every before bed thought I had for the past three weeks has been resolved.

"So where now?" I ask. "Home?"

"No," he says. "We've got something else to do."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Just come on, we're gonna miss the train," he says taking my hand. "Then it'll mess everything up."

"The train?" I ask. "Why are we taking the train, where are we going?"

"I'm taking you somewhere that my seventeen-year-old self would've taken you," he says.

"What is it?" I ask walking with him.

"It was my mom's idea," he shakes his head.

"What was her idea?" I ask.

"Nothing," he shakes his head.

Oh, he's embarrassed? Why is that?

"Well, now you've got to tell me," I say.

"There's nothing to tell," he says.

"If you don't tell me I'll call your mom and you know that she'll tell me every single detail," I say. "You will just feel more embarrassed, so chose."

"It's really not that important," he assures me.

"Tell me, I'll call her," I warn. "She'll answer and tell me everything."

"She's busy with Kasumi," he says.

"Oh really," I say holding up my phone. "Because she answered me real quick."

"Do not call my mother," he says frantically grabbing my phone. "It's not important."

"Welp looks like you're gonna get beat now," I laugh.

"Why would I get beat?" he asks. "I didn't do anything."

"You just hung up on your mom," I say. "She's gonna yell at you."

"I did not hang up on her..." he pauses looking at my phone in his hand. "Oh my god, I just hung up on my mother."

"Exactly," I nod my head. "Good job."

"She's calling back," he says.

"You better answer it," I say. "And put it on speaker."

"Okay, don't talk," he says answering the call, putting it on speaker as I requested. "Hey, mom."

"Tsukishima Kei, did you just hang up on me?" Akina asks.

"It was Y/n," he says.

"It was not-," I start before he wraps his arms around my shoulder, covering my mouth.


"What are you doing to your poor girlfriend?" she asks.

"I'm not doing anything to her, she's fine," he says. "She butt dialled you."

"Mhm, now why are you bothering you on her birthday?" she asks.

"I am not bothering her, I'm being nice, taking her out places and stuff," he says. "She looks so happy-Ow! Did you just bite me!?"

"And I'll do it again," I say. "Stop oppressing me because I'm a woman. Kei's a woman-hater."

"I am not a woman-hater," he scoffs. "I love women."

"Oh I know that you love women," I say. "You love them so much, so so so much, don't you Kei."

"I will sell you if you do not stop," he says. "People are going to think that I am a terrible boyfriend."

"Y/n, what is he doing to you?" Akina asks.

"He won't tell me why we're living out all the birthdays we've missed," I say taking the phone. "Right now we're going to the secret location of my seventeenth birthday."

"Oh yes," she says. "That place he's taking you right now is somewhere I took him and his brother when he was seventeen. He was so moody and didn't talk the whole time, then we got to the car and Akiteru pestered him about it all."

"Mom, please stop," Kei sighs. "You're just giving her fuel."

"So of course I had to scold him for being moody and grumpy, he sighed and said 'Y/n would've enjoyed something like this'," she laughs. "He would do that all the time, every day, there was not a thing I could do to get him to stop. He was stretching it on so long, being a fool about it. This one time, he went to some girl's house, he was grounded so of course, I went to pick him up. Then he sighed dramatically and said that you would find it funny, y'know, him being grounded and all."

"Okay mom thank you so much for saying all of that," he says quickly into the phone. "I love you, tell Kasumi I love her too, goodbye thank you for being so nice."

"Goodbye Kei," she laughs.

"You're so obsessed with me," I say. "I can't blame you though, and she really picked you up from some girl's house because you were grounded?"

"Yeah, she did," he says. "Then she took away my phone, all my clothes except my uniform and my glasses for two weeks."

"Your clothes?" I ask. "All of them, even the underwear?"

"Well obviously not my underwear," he says. "But she bought me a onesie to wear when I wasn't wearing my uniform, I couldn't go anywhere."


"And what about the glasses?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, I could only have them when I was doing school work," he says. "She made Yamaguchi monitor me, he took my glasses away when classes ended and I wouldn't get them back till we were at a new one. After two weeks, I got them back full time, then the next week I went to the optometrist and my prescription was worse. Oh and then my mother scolded me for not wearing my glasses in front of the optometrist."

"You deserved it," I laugh. "Don't sleep around."

"I did not sleep with that girl," he says.

"Yeah but I bet you did other things," I grumble. "I don't like you anymore."

"I am extremely sorry for everything I've ever done," he says. "So so sorry, now please come on so we don't miss the train."

"I still don't like you," I say.

"If it makes you feel any better, I have never seen another girl's boobs, well those girls I was with," he says. "Ever."

"So what, they all had their shirts on?" I ask. "While you slept with them?"

"I did not sleep with all of them, and shirts or bras," he says.

"Now that's weird," I say. "But it makes me feel better."

"Oh my god, I can't believe I just told you that," he says. "I hate myself."

"Okay, your embarrassment is enough to make me feel a lot better."

I've got my final tomorrow, so yeah.


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