Sometimes I forget that Y/n is like rich rich

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Y/n's pov

"Kei, did you do something not good recently?" I ask.

"No, why?" he asks. "I did nothing."

He's being too nice to me, first ice cream, then apples now we're hitting all the fast food places to get that free food on your birthday. He said that this is what we would've done for my eighteenth birthday because he would've just gotten his license.

"Like nothing, you didn't spill a drink on my shoes or accidentally let some tea spill?" I ask.

"Just because I show affection to you does not mean I'm trying to make up for something I did," he shakes his head. "If I accidentally wrecked something of yours I'd replace it... just like what I did for those heels you really liked..."

"Which ones?" I ask.

"Not going to tell you," he says.

"I'll know when I look in my closet for them," I say. "Tell me, I won't be mad."

"I'll tell you when I replace them," he says. "Do you know how hard it is to get my hands on shoes for you? I got them, but they haven't come in the mail yet."

"Which ones were they, I won't be mad," I say. "Promise."

"Just eat all this free food you got," he says.

"Which ones?" I ask. "Tell me, please Kei. I won't hurt you."

"Yes you will hurt me," he says. "I know you will."

"Look, nothing bad is going to happen to you," I say. "Shoes are shoes, it's okay."

"Even if those shoes happened to be those fuzzy heel things?" he asks. "Would you be mad then?"

"I sure hope you aren't talking about the Fendi ones because I have an emotional attachment to those," I say. "I tuck those into bed every night, which means you must have destroyed them early this morning."

"It's fine, I ordered some new ones this morning," he says.

"We're breaking up," I sigh dramatically. "And if you weren't driving I'd hit you."

"I got express shipping, they'll be here soon," he says. "I promise."

"How am I supposed to go on without the fuzzy sandals I only wear when I reminisce on my rebellious phase?" I question. "Now we're gonna be bankrupt."

"Y/n, I make money, I can buy you a pair of shoes and not suffer," he says. "You make money too, the world is not going to end."

"I'm gonna be broke," I groan. "My life is over."

"You have a black card," he says. "You will be fine, you could easily live off of selling three handbags for over a year."

"Kei's a gold digger," I shake my head. "Vile."

"I am not," he says.

"I'm just kidding, I know you aren't," I smile. "You liked me even when I couldn't afford a drink from a vending machine. Also, do I really spend that much money?"

"Yes, you do," he says. "Just the other day you bought six bts photos cards, the rare ones."

"Okay, but that was only a couple hundred dollars," I say. "It's fine."

"You have a slight spending and shopping problem," he says.

"I do not have a spe- Oh my god Kei, look it's that mall can you go?" I ask pointing out the window.

"I don't have a spending problem my ass," he mutters turning into the mall parking lot.

Finna go eat a fibre one brownie.


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