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I only made Ushiten cannon in my story because people got mad when I made Ushijima and Hoshi date.
Y/n's pov

She calls me every day, twice a day. Once in the morning when she wakes up which a decent time in the evening for me and once before she goes to bed, which is usually around four am my time.

Sometimes I tell her an 'adventure' Kei and I had, but with the firefly and glass doll, but sometimes she just babbles and tells me what she did that day as she falls asleep. In the morning times, I can hear the other children and the lady calling out Kasumi's names since she's not supposed to be using the phone.

She's very smart, and some of the things she knows surprise me. And I can't really tell who is benefiting more from the stories I tell her or me, she named it 'How the moon and a little glass doll fell in love'. I haven't even got to the part where I imply we started dating yet.

But the moon is beautiful, isn't it?

And Christopher, he's managed to pull some strings, hence the packing we've been doing for the last week. Today I graduate, tomorrow I'll be back in Japan, the evening time of course. I'll be able to tell Kasumi some more of the story in person, and tuck her in just like I promised I would.

Okay, now back to the graduation thing. Were olutside of my university right now, me, my mom, Tendo, Wakatoshi, Christopher and William.

"Wow Wakatoshi," I say. "It was nice of you to join us here this time around, y'know, for my graduation."

"You didn't go to my highschool graduation," he says. "I made it even."

"Well you didn't come with me to my first day of school ever," I say.

"You were in a boarding school," he says. "And you didn't come to mine either, even."

"There is no posible way I wouldv'e been able to," I say. "I was like three, three year olds aren't supposed to wonder around because they might get kidnapped."

"You wouldn't get kidnapped," he says. "Don't be dramatic."

Funny you say that Wakatoshi, very funny indeed.

"No arguing," My mom says. "I want to see my only children getting along and beeing happy, this is a happy day after all. Soon Y/n will officially take over the work in Japan, and then she can find herself another rich man to marry and have children with."

"You had me at the first half," I say. "But I'm not having kids, I don't need to fuck up their lives."

"You would be a good mom," Tendo says. "Fun too."

"I agree," Wakatoshi says. "You should have four kids."

"Yeah, no," I say. "And even if I have a kid, i'm never giving birth. It's painful, right mom?"

"Yes, very," she says. "I yelled at the doctors to drug me up when I had your brohter, thank god that was the only time."

"Ha, Wakatoshi was a fat baby," I say. "Take that 'L'."

"I can not believe that she is actually graduating university right now, and taking over a company," Wakatoshi shakes his head.

"Ms. Y/n has aceptional skills in regards to business, I would suggest not waying anything in that regard," William says. "I recall the other week your mother yelling at some officials after they spoke poorly about your sister."

"You tell em William," I say. "Christopher knows, I financed two gyms in Japan last month and that investment has doubled my total profits this month."

"Its true," Christopher says. "She basically owns you and your volleyball buddies with th amount of sponsorships the company pulls out."

"Christopher," Wakatoshi says. "I really do not like you, at all, not one bit. My day be so fine, and then I see you."

"When the hell did yous tart saying that?" I question.

"Sheeeesh," Tendo says.

"No fighting," Hoshiko says. "Or Wiliam will sedate you both."

"A girl who was in my business studies class wants to fuck you, Wakatoshi," I say. "And I told her that you'd give her your autograph because I wanted her to shut up, so have fun talking to her later."

"I would've give her my autograph, but was you telling me her sexual fantases that necesarry?" he asks.

"It was," I smile.

"Fine, then someone that attends the same gym I go to back in Japan told me that he'd... Tendo, i'd rather not say it outloud," Waktoshi says.

"He told Wakatoshi thats he'd tap your fine ass anyway," Tendo says. "Now he is banned form that gym for punching him in the face."

"Good," Christopher says.

"How does one even get on that conversation anyway?" I ask. "Why were you talking about me?"

"I was not, your face was on the tv," he says.

"I was I on tv?" I ask.

"Y/n, you need to get use to being put in the public eye," my mom says. "There is only so much the layers can protect, both you and your brother have been showcased on the Japanese news."

"And why hasn't anyone told be that?" I ask.

"I was going to tell you once the marriage proposals stopped rolling in," my mother says. "Your grandmother wants you to get married soon."

"Fuck her," I say. "I don't even know hows shes still alive, shes really pulling a Ms. Queen E. Anyway, if we don't go now we'll miss my graduation, off we go."

If you haven't checked out my Instagram yet, what are you doing with your life? It's crouton333.


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