Newton, Hamster, and Shower

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The holy trinity

Y/n's pov

Since Kasumi has started school last week, and she's got her figure skating practice Kei and I have had a lot of time to ourselves lately. We've been doing plenty of things together if you catch my drift... Anyway, we've been doing adult things, like having-. We are looking for a house because we are responsible adults who want Kasumi to have the best life ever.

Kei is being so picky about the houses, he wants them to be perfect, he's even doing research on the area too, he's doing the most. But right now, we are standing in my dream home, it's big, nice open spaces, huge closet, it's beautiful, I need it. The relator is on my side, telling him all the perks.

"I hate..." he pauses. "Actually, we can just change the flooring, never mind."

We got 'em, he doesn't hate anything about this house. I don't like the flooring either, I want hardwood which we can do. I need this house, we've seen like over fifteen and I will live here with or without him.

Now he's talking to the relator, adult stuff.

"Y/n," Kei says.

Never mind, he was talking to me.

"Sorry what?" I ask.

"I was asking if you liked the house, do you?" he asks.

"Do you like the house?" I ask.

"Well obviously, it's perfect, great area, and it checks off on everything we wanted," he says. "What do you think about it?"

"Oh thank god you like it," I say. "Because I was gonna move in here despite what you thought, I don't care I'll marry this house. I love it."

"Well then I guess this is the one then," he says. "But we'll have to make a few changes."

And that's the story on how I got my dream house with my dream guy, all in a days work. So where are we now you may ask? Well, we aren't anywhere. I went to the cafe to visit and Kei is talking to construction people because all of a sudden he is a construction man and I am bored.

Oh yeah, and as for my dad, I love him. I didn't think that i'd become buddy buddy with him, but he's just like me, stupid, yet smart, it's truly remarkable.

"Hi Marigold, Hyun guess what I did today?" I ask.

Oh and my mom, well other mom, Hoshiko is moving back to Tokyo, since she really was only in Korea to get Hyun outa prison.

"Made some friends," she says.

"Nope, me and Kei found our dream house," I say.

"How much is it?" Hyunn asks. "I will but it for you, pleased let me buy it. I can drive you to the relastate office, of to the grocery store."

And Hyun, he's gotten money from his wrongful inmporisoent, so he says that he's tryna make up for lost time. Oh that reminds me, he's been reaching me Korean, I suck so far, but it's alright.

"Oh shut up Hyun," Marigold says throwing a fork at him. "She's not a baby."

"God, I love it when she throws utensils at me, it was never the same when other inmate did it," he says, not a hint of sarcasm. "Anyway, where you moving? Staying in Sendai yeah?"

"Uh huh," I say. "It the most beautiful house I've ever seen, but of course Kei's being picky and wants something changed but I don't care, I love it. And Kasumi is gonna love it too."

"I'm glad you found a house, I bet you're neighbours were getting tired of hearing you," Marigold says. "Is it closer to the cafe?"

See she cares.

"Is is actually, it's closer to everyone," I say. "Akina, Wakatoshi, everyone here in Sendai."

"Who's Akina again?" Hyun asks.

"Kei's mom," I say.

"Ahh," he nods his head. "I remember."

"Anyway, I think we'll move sometime next month," I say. "Don't really know, the floors should be fast. But then again, I am no construction worker so I have no way of determining that."

"I will build your floors," Hyun says. "I'll do it. I'll go buy some tools."

"You are a tool," Marigold says.

"If you really wanna get me something so bad," I say. "You can buy me a wedding dress."

"You're getting married?" Marigold asks. "Kei proposes?"

"Yay yay, my little girl is getting married!" Hyun cheers. "I mean, Y/n is getting married, adult Y/n is getting married."

"He didn't ask me shit," I say pulling out a box. "But I don't want to wait months, because he made that six year promise. I'll ask him myself."

"Really?" Marigold asks. "You're gonna propose to him? Withought having a panic attack?"

"Okay well I've been telling myself that I was gonna ask him since like a year ago, so let me pretend," I say. "I'll do it tomorrow, it fine, march is a nice time to get engaged."

Hahaha... Also the internet here isn't working all that well, so I might have more spelling errors than usual.


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