I found this image by searching up 'Hentai Memes'

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Y/n's pov

"Well I'm fucking stupid," I say after I finish putting away the snacks.

"Yeah, I know," she says. "Is it because you forgot to buy an air mattress or is it because your sweatshirt has been inside out this whole time."

"Bith," I sigh. "And thanks so much for not telling me."

"You're welcome," she smiles tearing open a box of gushers. "So where am I supposed to sleep."

If you were wondering, the apartment is beautiful, although it just has my boxes and other than that it's pretty empty.

"I don't know," I say. "It's too late to go and get one, the stores are closed now."

"You're rich, force somebody to do it for you," she says. "Promise them a raise but then get blackmail and crush their dreams."

"Yeah, we're not going to do that," I say. "Got any other ideas?"

"You can sleep on the cold floor, and I can use you like a mattress," she says. "Or we can sleep on top of the boxes."

"I don't mind sleeping on the floor but I need an actual place for you to be temporary," I say. "More ideas places."

"Don't you ever find it sad that you're spending a Saturday night with a kid?" she asks. "Real question here."

"Don't you ever find it sad that you're never going to hear the rest of the glass doll story?" I ask.

"We should ask the neighbours," she says grabbing my hand. "They'll help you, you're pretty."

"Kasumi, it's late at night, we're gonna wake them up," I say.

"Who cares, you can just buy them," she says swinging open the door pulling me a few feet to the neighbour's door.

"Mr or Mrs neighbour person, are you awake?" she asks knocking on the door. "Hello, I have a poor pretty young girl out here who needs a warm bed to sleep in."

"Kasumi, you cannot say things like that," I say. "That sounds weird."

Then a slip of paper gets shoved under the door rather aggressively.

'Both of you are loud and annoying, go to a hotel'

"So I take it you get no bitches," I say shoving the note back under the door. "I'm your new neighbour I'll have you know, so you'll be stuck with me for a while."

'Yeah, I can't wait till my lease is up'

So I guess this guy isn't gonna speak to me.

"You're a guy right?" I ask sending the paperback to his side.

'Yeah. Now go to sleep, it's late and I don't think I can push through a longer interaction'

"We can't go to sleep because we need something to sleep on," Kasumi says. "Can we have your mattress?"

'Children shouldn't have their own children

"I am perfectly capable of caring for a child," I say. "And I'm not a child you swine."

'Coulda fooled me, your sweatshirts inside out'

"It's a fashion statement," I say. "And don't look at me through the door if I don't get to see you."

'You're the one outside of my door. Pick a struggle, do you want to sleep on the cold floor and freeze to death?'

"I want to stay alive," Kasumi says. "If you let us use your air mattress I promise to make her sleep on the cold floor so she can freeze."

'If you let me sleep you can use my air mattress'

"Thanks," I say.

'Go in your apartment, I'll leave it outside of the door'

"Just come out," I say. "Or are you afraid that I'll think you're ugly?"

'I'm not ugly. Just afraid that you'll become some stupid fangirl that's obsessed with me'

"Yeah, not gonna happen," I say. "I'll be in my apartment while you drag out the air mattress that's probably shoved somewhere between a stack of hentai CDs and a body pillow with a barely legal girl on it."


"Whats hentai?" Kasumi asks.

"Not for kids," I say. "Definitely not for kids."

Comments are dry as fuck.


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