Oops, went in a different direction than I wanted

918 51 47

Y/n's pov

"Are you going to stare at the floor the whole time?" he asks.

"So what if I do?" I ask looking up at him. "I don't even want to be here anyway."

"I don't care what you do, you're the one who invited me here," he says.

"I don't make the guest list," I say. "Somebody else does, and I can't really have your whole team here and not you."

"Well, I couldn't have my whole team here without me," he says. "So wither way I was going to show up."

"Doesn't mean that you have to be dancing with me," I say.

"I don't have to do anything," he says. "Really, I could do whatever I want."

"Then neither do I," I say. "I don't want to dance with you, or talk to you."

"Id you really didn't then you would've moved away from me," he says. "For someone who doesn't like their current position, you sure are close."

"I broke up with you, and kissed Kageyama," I say. "And you kissed and hooked up with other girls."

"I know," he shrugs. "What about it?"

"Nothing," I say.

I honestly don't know what I'm doing here, I didn't necessarily want to get into a relationship at this moment. And I don't really know why I was staying here to dance with him, was it for me or for Kasumi?

"I haven't gotten with any other girls since the wedding," he says. "No hookups or girlfriends."

"You want a gold star or something?" I ask. "Because I could care less about your relationship status."

"Are you seeing someone?" he asks.

"No, not that it's nay of your business," I say. "But you probably know all about my life."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asks.

"I talk to Azalea and you talk to Yamaguchi, it's basically a guarantee that you know what I've been up to," I say. "Everyone seems to know these days."

"I can't help but ask about you," he says. "I get curious."

"Okay, I can't right now," I say stepping back, away from him. "I'm not ready."

"Ready for what?" he asks, taking a step towards me. "We're just dancing, nothing more."

"Yeah, we just magically danced away from all the people and ended up in the one part of the house that guests aren't supposed to wander off to," I shake my head. "I'm not stupid."

"If you're so opposed why did you let me lead us back here?" he asks. "It took a hot minute to get back here, where ever this is."

"It's a guest wing," I say resting against a door. "We've got too many guest rooms here and didn't want to spend a lot of time making them all nice and fancy looking so no one else is coming down over here."

"Well, then I guess I got pretty lucky leading you over here," he says resting his arm against the closed door. "Didn't I?"

"I need to take care of Kasumi, and we're not together," I say. "I mean, we didn't even talk anything out, like feelings and stuff. This is sudden and stuff, we haven't ever really talked at all. There are still lots of issues we need to sort out-."

"So is this a no?" he asks dropping his hand to the doorknob. "Last chance to got back to the party."

"No," I say.

"No what?" he asks.

"No..." I pause. "I don't want to go back to the party."

"Neither do I," he says turning the doorknob fully, causing me to stumble back into the room.

Spur of the moment thing if, dw Brielle I'll make the edits at the end of your chapter to make it work.


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