Finna bust for this soup

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Y/n's pov

"Okay, I've got Bokuto and Kuroo in a bed with the help of Sakusa," Atsumu says.

"Well, then where is Sakusa?" I ask.

"He passed out beside them," he laughs. "Guess the alcohol got to him."

"What about Christopher?" I ask. "Where is he?"

"We got him on the couch," he shrugs. "There's no way I could lift that guy any further on my own."

"Now, all that left is Kei," I say looking over to him.

"I am not drunk," standing up from his chair, still holding a glass. "Do I look drunk to you?"

"Yes, very drunk," I laugh. "Can you even see clearly?"

"Can you see clearly?" he smiles shoving his glasses onto my face. "Hmm, cute."

"Your glasses are gonna give me a headache," I say as I put them back onto his own face. "Now come on, you should go to sleep."

"I'm not tired," he says shifting himself so half his weight is on me.

"Atsumu, help me," I say.

"I do not need any help," Kei says. "Well, not from you anyway."

"Then take yourself to the room and go to sleep," I say. "You're gonna have a terrible hangover tomorrow."

"I will not," he says. "I'm fine."

"Go to bed," I say.

"And leave you here with Atsumu? Never," he says. "Come to bed with my Y/n."

"What can't sleep without having your girlfriend beside you?" Atsumu asks.

"I can sleep just fine without her," he scoffs. "But I'd much rather have her with me, I don't even care if she kicks me sometimes. Just look at her."

"I think you're just talking her up too much," Atsumu says.

Oh, here we go.

"Uh, have you seen her face?" Kei asks. "Or seen her smile, heard her laugh, gotten a hug from her? I bet you haven't because if you did you'd hate yourself, you wanna know why?"

"Why?" Atsumu asks.

"You'd hate yourself for how much of an idiot you'd have to be to let yourself fall stupidly in love with someone," he says. "I feel stupid, really stupid every day, any ideas I thought I had gone out the window when I met Y/n. But lucky."

"Still don't get the hype," Atsumu shrugs.

"Okay, how about I take Kei to bed then you go to your own room?" I ask.

"One-second babe," Kei says. "Atsumu is being dumb."

"Am I though?" Atsumu asks.

"She's not even annoying, when I say annoying I really mean cute, and she's really smart and dumb at the same time. She's thoughtful, and... And perfect," he says. "And... Looks aren't everything, but she's got them all, I mean just look at her."

"Any cons?" Atsumu asks. "Because I don't think I'm sold yet."

"Uh, she's not on the market, this is my girl right here," Kei says. "But, I wish she'd... I wish that she... I hate her shampoo, I have to take an allergy pill just to manage. But thankfully, she didn't bring any of it on the trip so I've been fine."

"The only bad thing about her is that you're allergic to her shampoo?" Atsumu asks. "There's nothing else?"

Wow, and I was allergic to his shampoo and he changed it. I'll make a mental note to change mine as well.

"She does this thing when she thinks I'm sleeping, I don't hate it but it can be annoying sometimes," he says.

What? Okay, time to die, my life is over.

"Well, what is it?" Atsumu asks.

Yeah Kei, what is it?

"She puts her face really close to mine, but she won't kiss me because she doesn't want to wake me up," he rolls his eyes. "And yeah, that's all, she breaths on my face and it makes me want to sneeze but I can't because then she'll know I'm awake and not talk to me out of embarrassment."


"Time to sleep Kei," I say. "I'll come with you."

God, he's really drunk.


"I love you," Kei says rolling over in the bed to face me.

"I love you too, and maybe you should go to sleep before you end up being too sappy," I laugh. "You'll be embarrassed."

"Did you drink anything?" he mumbles.

"One sip," I say. "Why?"

"I love you," he says again, practically crushing me in a hug. "And I can't wait to marry you."

"Then ask me already," I say. "And you're crushing me."

"Sorry, I can't help it, I just love you," he says. "And I can't ask you until I have a ring, it's so hard to get the perfect one."

"Just get any," I say. "I don't care."

"I care, and I want it to be perfect," he mumbles. "You deserve it."

"Just go to sleep," I laugh.

"Are you drunk?" he asks.

"No," I say. "You're the drunk one. And why do you keep asking?"

"Because I just want to make sure that you're okay," he says. "You feel sick when you drink."

"What are you getting Kenma to buy?" I ask.

"That's a secret, and I'm not gonna tell you," he smiles gently kissing me. "You have to wait."

"You're so annoying," I say. "Even when you're drunk."

"I'm not drunk," he says.

"Yes, you are," I say.

"If I'm drunk then why did I kiss you?" he asks.

"Because I'm your girlfriend," I say.

"My soon-to-be fiance," he laughs. "But we've got to wait for the perfect time."

"When?" I ask.

"Soon," he says rolling us both over. "I promise."

"Hoe," I mutter.

"Make sure that you forget that I told you that you're my favourite person," he says closing his eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't," I laugh.

I need conflict.


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