Yeah, Hyun is not a character you guys can simp for

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Y/n's pov

"Guys she's naked!" Atsumu yells running to the top of the stairs so he's in their view, yes his hands are covering his eyes. "I'm not joking, her tits are out!"

"Bullshit," Kuroo says. "No way."

"Bullshit?" I ask walking out so they can see me, yes I was dramatic and tossed my clothes down to them. "Does that look like bullshit to you? You've got two minutes before I drop this towel."

"There's no way we're falling for this," Christopher says. "Good shot though, Bird."

"I saw her nipple piercings," Atsumu says.

"Holy shit, he saw her boobs," Kuroo says. "Wait no, you can't trick us."

"Yeah, Bird wouldn't flash us like that..." Christopher laughs. "Right?"

"Yeah well if she is willing to flash me then she'd totally flash you," Atsumu says. "I saw those stupid green dinosaur piercings."

"He saw her boobs," Kuroo says. "He actually saw them, she's fucking naked right now."

"The towel is going now," I announce, and those two hoes cover their eyes frantically.

But not Bokuto, he's having his silent celebration because he figured it out.

"Well, what do we do now?" Kuroo asks.

"Just don't look at her," Christopher says.

"Wheres the flag?" I ask walking down the stairs, being followed by Atsumu.

"As if we're gonna tell you, you're crazy," Kuroo says.

Those hoes are tryna get us with their eyes closed.

"Watch out guys, I don't think Kei will be too happy if you grab me while I'm naked," I say. "In fact, he'll hate it."

"Just swings your hands up higher," Christopher says. "Above shoulders."


"I'm gonna find that flag," I say motioning my hands to get Atsumu and Bokuto to go off looking, quietly.

And so the hunt began. And man that shit was hard, I could find shit. The rule was you had to be able to see it without having to move anything around.

"You guys are never going to find it," Christopher laughs.

"Stop laughing, I can find it," I say. "I got this."

Yeah, we used stupid to get this far but how can we use stupid to actually do something? We really aren't all that bright. And to show just how dumb I am, I ruined the plan.

"You liar," Christopher says. "You have clothes on."

He really grabbed the top of my head to hold me in place just to touch my clothed back. Fuck.

"Fuck," Kuroo groans. "Whatever, we'll kill them all now."

No ones in front of me, it's fine, no one will see anything.

So yes, I did the only logical thing, since my straps were already under my arms I just pulled the whole thing down, no one saw a thing.

"She fucking topless now!" Christopher says frantically. "No one look."

And yes, I was civilized and covered myself with my arms.

"Yeah that's right fuckers, y'all better not look at my boobs or else," I say.

Atsumu and Bokuto are beside each other so all I have to do is find the flag and bring it to them.

"Bokuto, keep Atsumus eyes covered," Kuroo says.

"I'm not gonna look," Atsumu says. "I'm not that much of an ass."

And so it began, the second hunt for the flag, this time It was just me. So did we win the game? Maybe. Did we lose? Um... No? And all because a certain someone showed up. Lemme give you a play-by-play.

I saw the flag, it was above the door so naturally, I had to reach my hands up to grab the flag, I got it. Then the door opened.

I have to get my art back together, I'm an art student smh.


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