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Y/n's pov

Why must I always wake up to the sound of screaming? I'm getting married next week, I thought that I'd have some peace before then.

"Thank god it's ten," I hear Kei continually mutter under his breath as he shakes me awake. "Y/n, it's ten, please wake up now."

Maybe if I don't move he'll just leave me.

"Y/n, please," he says. "I need help."

Nope, I spent the whole day yesterday watching the first episode of Naruto on repeat, I can't go on any longer. Kei gets to watch Naruto with them today.

"Go away," I say pushing his hands away. "I'm tired."

"Please Y/n, you're better with kids than I am," he says.

Okay, I suppose that I can get a nice Kei out of this.

"Come on Babe, I'll spend the rest of the day with them watching Naruto," he says. "Okay?"

"What's wrong with Kasumi and Dai now?" I ask opening my eyes. "Because if this is something unimportant then I would like to go back to sleep and watch you suffer."

"Kasumi is pulling a you," he says.

"Okay, back to dream about Roblox boys now," I say pulling the blanket up over my head. "If she's pulling a me then there is no other person on earth qualified to take care of it. Have fun with that now."

"Come on," he says. "I'm the worst person on earth to deal with this."

"No, you're the best," I say. "You've made it this far, it's best to keep going. That's what the bible says."

"The bible also says to help out your finance when he's close you ripping out all of his hair," he says.

Not the hair, I love it too much.

"I don't believe in the bible," I say. "Also, what classifies as 'me' behaviour?"

"She breaking up with Dai because a girl at school told her to," he says.

"You know that my situation was more intense than that," I say uncovering my head. "Not some elementary stuff."

"Because the girl threatened to tell me something, something that I'm not supposed to know apparently," he says. "Just talk to her for one second, she won't even let me go into her room."

Damm, he looks tired.

"Fine," I say getting up. "I'll talk to her, but if it's something dumb, then you lose glasses privileges for a week."

"Yeah, fine, whatever," he says. "Just go, please."

What the hell is this guy talking about? They are getting along just fine.

"I hate you Dai- Oh it's just mom, we can cut the s-word," she says.

"I was getting tired are arguing," Dai says. "Sorry for yelling."

"Yeah, it's fine," I say. "So what's up with you guys?"

"I needed to create a dissection-," she starts.

"Diversion," Dai interrupts.

"Okay whatever," she says. "He wanted to clean my room but you've got your wedding dress hidden in my toy box, what if he saw it?"

"So, causing a scene is the best way to go?" I ask.

"I get it from my mom," she says.

"I told her that she could've just sat on the toy box so he could grab some of the stuff off the floor then everything would be fine," Dai shakes his head. "But no, drama is the way to go."

"Hey, don't sass me," she says. "Or I will break up with you."

"We aren't dating," Dai says.

"Well, now that this is all over then I will be off," I say taking my leave.

"So you fixed it?" Kei asks as I walk back into our room.

"Uh-huh," I nod my head crawling back into bed. "Guess I'm just better than you in every single way imaginable. I know you can't stand to not be with me."

"And that's why I'm marrying you," he mutters. "Now go back to sleep so you aren't a pain."

"Mom!" Kasumi yells. "S-word-ling is eating the froot loops!"

"Y/n!" Dai yells. "Kasumi is feeding the cat froot loops!"

"Kei says that he'll handle it!" I call out.

Yes, more random stuff because I've got too much homework.


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