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Y/n's pov

"Wakatoshi," I say walking into the cafe, folding my sunglasses and putting them in my bag. "Marigold."

"Wow haven't seen you in ages, the girls were just talking about you," Marigold says cleaning a spill from the counter. "You just missed them, and I barely recognized you."

"I'll take that as a compliment then," I say.

"You're late," Walatoshi says glancing at his phone. "Fifteen minutes to be exact."

"Well considering that I've been waiting years for what I can only assume will be a sorry excuse of an apology, you can wait fifteen minutes," I say sliding in the booth across from him. "So I guess I should ask you what you've been up to."

"I saw Tsukishima today and your friends," he says.

"Alright, did you say anything to him about me being back in town? Because if you did then you can scrap your apology and I'll be on my way," I say.

"I didn't say anything to him," he says. "Or your friends."

"Perfect," I say. "Now get on with your apology, I have things to do."

Yeah, something called underage drinking.

"Okay, I have come to the conclusion that I was not being a protective older brother," he says. "I was being rude."

"Go on," I nod my head.

"Mean," he says.

"You can do better than that," I say.

"Controlling, manipulative, possibly gaslighting you, and being a complete douchebag," he says. "And I'm really sorry, I don't want to miss any more of your life and I don't care what you do anymore because I am not your boss and you are your own person."

"Did Tendo help you with that?" I ask.

"No he said that I didn't deserve the help and that should feel lucky I haven't been beaten up yet," he says.

As he should.

"And who's going to beat you up?" I ask.

"That annoy-I mean Christopher, Satori informed me that there was no way I'd ever win a fight with him," he says. "So I have decided to refrain from such violence, although I cannot condone a romantic relationship between the both of you. But please let me be your brother again."

"Just because you don't condone something doesn't mean you can stop me from doing it," I say.

"That is true but what I'm saying is that I don't want to fight anymore, I miss being your brother and knowing that you hated me was a terrible feeling I never wish to experience again," he says. "And as you can see I have a single tear in my eye, which is more than enough to prove my sincerity."

"That really is a tear," I say tugging down his eyelid. "I suppose you can attend my graduation."

"Thank you Y/n," he says reaching over the table to hug me, basically pulling me onto the table.

"Wakatoshi, you're killing me," I say sucking in a breath.

"Oh I'm sorry," he says pulling away. "I am just happy."

"Glad to hear it," I say. "Now I will be lea-."

"Y/n, I didn't know you were back in town," I turn over to see Kageyama. "That's actually good because I was actually meeting your brother here to drop something off."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Tanaka and Kiyoko are getting married," he says holding out an invitation. "They didn't know your address and since your brother and I are on a team together so they gave it to me, so here you go."

"Wow so waiting around for a girl does really work," I say reading over the invitation. "Maybe some people should take some notes."


Speak of the fucking devil.

"Wakatoshi I'm leaving, I have things to do," I say. "I'll send you the information for my graduation, you can bring Tendo."

"Bokuto and Sakusa have been talking about going out to see you," he says.

"Tell them not to bother I'll be moving back here in the summer, I'll see-," I start.

"Y/n, when did you get back here?" Kei asks.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you that's rude to interrupt someone when they're talking, and with a question that serves no benefit at that?" I ask, turning around to look up at him.

"Oh I think shits about to go down," Bunny says.

"If a look could kill I'd be dead," Azalea says.

"This can't end well, Tsukishima I think you should just leave it be," Yamaguchi advises.

"Yeah Tsukishima, get out of my way," I say. "I have somewhere to be."

"I need to talk to you... in private right now, please," he says.

"Oh, I don't think that you care all too much about privacy," I laugh. "Now step aside, you're clinging to me like a sick dog."

"I don't know who you're calling dog?" He scoffs.

And here we go.

Read the side book hoes. There are some chaps of Y/n getting railed. Curtsy or Brielle_Iris_04


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