The fact that there's still so much I have planned for this story

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Y/n's pov

"What are you doing?" I ask sitting up, slowly opening my eyes. "It's early."

"I lost something," he says standing up quickly. "Go back to sleep."

"You lost something in the clothes I packed up?" I ask. "Really?"

"Yeah, I did, and what about it?" he asks. "You lose things all the time, no problem with that."

"What did you lose?" I ask. "And if you're trying to find your gift, it's at my mom's place. In a bag, somewhere you'll never find it. I'm not dumb, I predicted that you'd try to be sneaky like the gerbil you are."

"Don't compare me to rodents," he says. "You're the rodent here."

"Any guesses as to what your gift is?" I ask. "If you guess it correctly I'll go and grab it, plus Kasumi wants to spend the day with my mom again. So, what's your guess?"

"This is a trick question," he says.

"How is this a trick question?" I ask. "No tricks here."

"Yes, it is, I know what it is but if I say it you'll make some big whole deal out of it," he says. "So yes, a trick, in a way. I'm not guessing, I'll wait."

"I love you, Kei," I smile. "Anyway, so what are we doing today? Anything in mind, you woke me up so whatever it is, it better be good."

"I did not wake you up," he says.

"Really because the 'dammit, where did this girl put it' was pretty loud as you were going through my bag," I say. "But maybe you were looking for your wallet."

"Where did you even get that?" he asks taking it out of my hand. "And how?"

"I saw that you have a picture of Kasumi and I in there," I say. "When we went skating, kinda weird."

"In what way is that weird?" he asks. "You have a picture of me with stickers all over it in your room, and one of Kasumi also covered in stickers."

"Stickers add some spice," I shrug. "And it's not weird, you're weird."

"Whatever, we're going to eat street food so you can stop sending me photos of Korean street food on Instagram," he says.

"it's subliminal messaging," I say.

"Really?" he asks pulling out his phone, probably to read my messages. "'Kei, doesn't this food look so good? I know where we can get some, I might just kiss you if you buy me some.' That sounds pretty direct to me."

"You're adopted," I say.

"No, you," he says.

"Woooow," I shake my head. "We're breaking up."

"Oh my god, are you sure you're not bipolar?" he asks. "Because I get a stroke trying to have a conversation with you."

"Moving on," I say holding up a polaroid photo that's been cut in half. "Look what I found in your apartment, you pervert."

"It's literally a picture of your face," he says. "I am not."

"This is the photo you got of my topless back in high school," I say. "Kinda sus, where the bottom half."

"I threw it out," he says plucking it from my hands. "And don't go through my things, you might find my list of reasons why I don't like you."

"I don't need a list to know," I say. "Moving on, why did you cut my boobs off, was I really that repulsive?"

"I am not repulsed by you, but are you forgetting that you were sixteen in that photo?" he asks. "I'm not gonna live with a photo of a teenager topless."

"Oh," I say. "When did you cut the photo?"

"The day before I turned eighteen," he says quietly.

"Oh my god," I laugh. "What a desperate poor soul you are, how many times did you wank off to it?"

"Never," he says. "I'm not disgusting, never, I never did that."

"Wow, I bet you suffered without the rest of that photo," I sigh. "Poor you."

"I did not suffer," he scoffs. "I don't need a photo of you topless."

"Guess you don't want the replacement," I shake my head holding up a new polaroid so he can't see it. "What a shame I wasted my time getting the perfect photo just for you."

"Hey now," he says trying to take the photo. "Just because I don't need it, doesn't mean I wouldn't mind having it."

"Nope," I smile shoving it into my pocket. "No photo for you, horny hoe, you can use your imagination. You've still got the mind of a teenage boy."

"Oh shut up," he rolls his eyes. "I do not."

"Mhm," I nod my head. "Of course you don't."

"I don't," he says. "Let me see the photo."

"Whats this?" I ask. "Is Kei trying to force me to do something?"

"I will actually give you away," he says.

"Like at that Christmas party?" I ask. "Woooooow."

"Just get dressed so we can go out," he sighs. "I don't know why I find this attractive."

"Because I've got a fat ass," I laugh. "I'm winning."

"You're just compressed," he says. "Not thick."

"Cap, I got taller and my ass got fatter," I shake my head. "Don't lie to yourself, you know it."

"You're still short," he says.

"Whatever at least I don't have a short dick," I say.

"Yeah okay, I have a short dick then," he says.

"Bite me," I say.

"I know you like that," he smirks.

"I hate you."

"The feelings mutual."

Summer school starts soon because I am a top academic student.


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