I'm prolly gonna need a break from Wattpad, wasn't even in the mood for this

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Y/n's pov

I sense I've made a mistake...

"Christopher," I say. "Christopher."

"Don't worry," he says. "I've got it."

"Just open your eyes, you're doing a terrible job at wrapping up my cast," I say. "And you look stupid."

"I'm not stupid," he says, eyes still tightly closed as he attempts to wrap up the cast. "I'm just doing my job."

"Open your eyes, you've got no choice," I say. "It's a direct order."

"What is it that is troubling you?" he asks looking up at the ceiling.

"There, you can wrap my cast now," I say. "You're acting like I'm naked right now."

"You basically are," he says.

"It's a bathing suit, I'm being courteous," I say. "Ladylike if you will."

"I don't know," he pauses. "Just put on like shorts and a t-shirt instead."

"Chile, I can't bathe in shorts and a t-shirt," I say. "It's a bathing suit from target, not some skimpy outfit."

"Fine," he says looking directly down at my cast. "I just don't want to come across as creepy or anything, I don't want your mother to step on me."

Overly cautious? Yes. Creepy? No. Respectful? Definitely.

"How are you supposed to live in California with this mentality?" I shake my head. "There will be people in bathing suits all time, you gonna pull a Helen Keller and go blind?"

"It's not people in a bathing suit, it's you in a bathing suit, it's weird to look at you in a bathing suit, not that I'm looking at you," he stops.

Should I stop this up or nah?

You're right, I should stir this up and make him regret speaking for my entertainment.

"What? It's not like there's anything to see anyway," I laugh.

"There's plenty to see, don't say that," he says. "..."

So funny, and for what?

"You should see your face," I laugh.

"That was a terrible way of trying to cover up your self-deprecating joke," he groans. "Forget that that was stupid."

"You looked like you just saw a damm ghost," I continue to laugh. "Don't worry about it."

"There I'm done wrapping your cast," he says. "Have fun in your bath or whatever, I'll be drowning myself in the kitchen sink if you need me."

"If I can't down myself then neither can you," I say.

"Holler if you need me or anything," he says. "I need to mentally recover from that embarrassment."

He kinda took the 'L'

If you don't know this drama, carry on. About the discord. If anyone just so happened to be paying attention to anything I was trying to say on my server, or in the vc then you would know that I DID NOT HAVE OWNERSHIP!!! So I do not appreciate the spamming while I was trying to explain things. I couldn't ban/kick, so I had no way of trying to fix the problem other than talking in the vc. It's honestly gross how many comments/messages I had to delete because some just wouldn't listen for a damm second. Calling me a bitch, Massa, and monkey wasn't that fun and neither was trying to negotiate with some hacker. I haven't blocked anyone on Wattpad cuz Ion wanna be that bitch, but can those you freaked out on me, stop. Don't flood my insta, TikTok, Wattpad, or email. Unfollow me if you want, I've lost 8 today, but you don't need to insult me in the process for something I spent hours trying to resolve. And also making fake accounts just to attack me is annoying, and unnecessary. Don't blame me for the actions of others, and maybe try to take a look at your own. I haven't reported anyone for harassment even though it was. I have to get back to my math test. Don't know when I'll be back, thanks.


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