The amount of times I accidentally erased this chapter is actually terrible

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Y/n's pov

I love Korea, so much, it's so nice here and Kasumi is having the time of her life. Mostly because she's being treated like a queen, she so charming, too charming. Even now everyone is enchanted with her as we walk the streets of Sendai.

"Kasumi, you gotta teach me your secrets," I whisper. "Everyone loves you, they practically fold."

"We're on equal ground, mostly," she whispers back. "I have no secrets here."

"You do have secrets," I say. "I know you do."

"We help each other, just you're a little slower than I am," she smiles. "I'll show you."

This girl is going to crush any competition she ever faces in life, I just know it, and I'm somewhat proud of it.

"No mom, it's okay," she says returning back to a normal volume. "You don't have to buy us matching handbags from that store you liked, they're expensive and you already do so much for me. I just love spending time with you."

"What bags?" My mom asks turning around.

Oh so now she listens, but when Wakatoshi was bullying me she heard nothing? Woooow.

"Which store was it?" Wakatoshi asks. "Did we go in it, or pass it?"

The only ones here who clearly saw that Kasumi and I were trying to mooch off of people were Christopher, William, and Tendo. But that's all fine because the ones we got are dumb enough.

Also, what handbags is this girl talking about?

"Oh nothing," Kasumi says. "Don't worry about it."

"You never said anything about a store Y/n, we could've stopped there idiot," Kei said rest his arm on my shoulder, wallet in hand. "Kasumi where was it?"

"Mom remembers, but there's also this other store I want to go to," she says. "They have nice shoes and mine are getting too tight."

"Just take my card, Y/n, I've got cash," he said giving me his card,

Yo, this feels like stealing.

"I'll be in that store with Kasumi, she needs new shoes," he says. "Meet me there."

"Kei, I don't need your money," I say trying to hand the card back. "It's fine."

I actually feel bad when I spend money that's not mine.

"Get whatever," he says picking Kasumi up. "You know the pin."

"Kei, I'm not gonna waste your money," I say.

"It's not a waste if I'm spending it on my girls," he says. "Go."

Then he was off, Kasumi smiling at me waving me off. This kid is good, and she is in dire need of a nice set of morales, but that is an issue for another day.

Now we need to focus on the fact that he referred to me and Kasumi as his girls. Wow, I love it here. Also, what the hell is his pin?

"Probably your birthday," Christopher says.

"Huh?" I look over at him. "Can you read minds to?"

"Of course not, Bird," he laughs. "You just looked confused."

"I suppose that's a reasonable response," I say. "I'll take it."

"Good," he smiles. "Well, you better get off to buy those handbags."

"I don't even know what Kasumi was talking about," I say.

"Just grab something cute, Kasumi will like anything," he laughs. "She won't even pay attention to it, she's always buzzing around just like a bee."

"She really is," I say.

Lol moment.


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