I love pasta, but I don't eat it because

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Y/n's pov

"Can you believe that what he did to me?" I question.

"Can you believe that after years you guys are still hanging out in the employees-only room?" Marigold asks.

"Kei doesn't want to sleep with me," I say. "Bunny, how do I get him to sleep with me?"

"Ah, I agree with him this time," she says. "You really shouldn't tease him so much, but I guess you learned your lesson."

"This blows," I sigh. "He's such a slut."

"Weren't you trying to get laid in your office?" Azalea asks.

"Uh, didn't you have sex on this couch with Yamaguchi multiple times?" I ask. "The both of you have had sex on this couch, I never once did anything on this couch."

"Yeah, you two are more fond of the bathroom," Azalea laughs. "Isn't that right?"

"Who cares," I sigh. "The problem here is that Kei is being a whore."

"Can't blame him," Bunny laughs. "If I sent some naked picture to Issei he woulda pulled me back in the apartment before I even had the chance to get in the elevator."

"Well, I have Kasumi, she's my bodyguard," I say.

"Don't you still have that gift you bought in Korea?" Azalea asks.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

"Oh yeah," I say getting up. "I have it here in the cafe, I knew Kei would try to find it, and then he'd tease me even more. So I hid it here."

"Ah, small tool Tsuki," Bunny shakes her head. "What a funny guy he is."

"Try it on," Azalea says. "Gives us the preview."

"What? I'm not putting on some underwear in the cafe," I say. "What if the people who actually work here come back and see me half naked?"

"Then they'll be getting a show," Bunny says.

"Not to minors," I say grabbing to bag I had shoved in some corner. "I'll get in some shit."

"Fine, do you at least have a photo?" she asks. "I need to see."

"Yeah," I say handing her my phone. "If you go into the blue calculator app and hold down on the division sign."

"Slick," Azalea says.

"Holy shit, you should open and only fans," Bunny says. "Why is your ass even fatter here?"

"I go to the gym, like a boss," I say. "But we don't talk about my arms and how I can barly open a jar."

"I bet you could crush a water melon with those thighs," Azalea says. "I'm not joking."

"I can," I smile. "I tester that out."

"Very good information to know," she nods her head.

"Anywya, I should probably get back to my place before Kei shows up," I say. "I need to shower and look less homeless."

"Uh, have fun not walking tommrorw," Bunny laughs.

"Don't be dramatic," I say. "Thats not going to happen. I'll see you guys."

Future Y/n, how re you feeling?

That old ladies wheel chair is looking pretty damm comfortable right about now.

Okay fine, Brielle, don't write it until you do youre summer school project though.


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