What more could I possibly do to make it any clearer?

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Y/n's pov

The plane ride back to the states was fine I guess. I had a lot to think about, Kasumi, Kei, and just myself in general. For the first time since I broke up with Kei, that was the first time he looked at me without any anger. I mean, I didn't blame him for being mad, but it still hurt to know that I hurt him so much.

And maybe it would've been better if he had stayed angry at me, looked at me the same way when I broke up with him. Because that look used to give me is almost too much to stand, i'll look telling me that everything's going to be okay, even though I know when I'm in the circle it won't be.

"Bird, we're back," Christopher said as he pulled up in the parking lot. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah I'm just really tired," I yawn. " so I'm probably just gonna turn in for the night if that's all right."

"Yeah, that's totally fine. I was going to go to sleep too since it's nighttime and all. I want to get my routine back and check, so this is perfect," he says. " don't worry about bringing your bags up, I've got it. Just go and get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning."

"Thanks, Christopher," I smile. "I'll see you in the morning, I'll even make you breakfast. I promise I can do that much."


"Bird, your phone has been ringing off the hook and every time I answer they hang up," Christopher says gently shaking me awake. "It's either a prank or they need to talk to you."

"What?" I ask sitting up, still tired. "Who's calling?"

"It's a Japanese area code," he says holding up my phone, which was now ringing again. "I don't think it's your brother or else he probably would have just said something."

"It's four in the morning," I groan taking the phone from him. "Thank you though."

"I'll be in the kitchen," he says going to leave my room.

I told this guy he doesn't need to come over early and tidy up, but I guess he's just looking out for me.

"Hello?" I grumble into the phone. "Can I help you?"

"I saw this video on tv about this guy and he died because he smokes!" she yells into the phone. "And I don't want you to get sick and die too!"

"Kasumi, we live in different time zones," I say. "It's four in the morning."

"Also, I wanted to make sure that you didn't forget that you're supposed to come back soon-ish," she says. "Also, this scary guy kept answering your phone."

"He's not scary," I say. "He's Christopher."

"Guys are scary," she says.

"Okay," I nod my head even though she can't see. "Well, I promise that I won't die from smoking, and I promise that I will come back soon-ish. Goodnight for you now."

"Wait... tell me a story," she says. "I need one to fall asleep."

"Fine," I say. "Anything you have in mind?"

"No," she says. "Just make it up, and make it a good one."

"Once upon a time, there was a stupid girl who made decisions and got herself into terrible situations," I say. "Then she cried in her room until it filled with tears and she drowned goodnight."

"I want a better story," she says. "I can't go to sleep to that, that sucks. This is why you were crying on the bench."


"Fine," I sigh. "I'll try again."

"Good," she says. "And I'm tucking myself in, you have to do it next time."

"Yes, I'll do that next time," I say. "Now I'm going to tell you a story."

"What kind of story?" she asks.

"A long story, an adventurous story," I say. "So listen carefully."

What has the world come to.

I decided to time how long it takes me to eat a cheese sandwich. Twenty minutes, that fuck. Anyway, Idk when I'm going to update the Christopher story because there are some chapters I want to write for this td, expect another update today.


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