No chap till tomorrow, suffer

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Y/n's pov

"I'm actually disgusted right now, I didn't know who let you in but they should be fired," I say.

"Sounding like the scary Ms. Ushijima," he laughs. "Gonna send your Kasumi off to a boarding school now?"

"Shut up," I scoff picking his shoulder. "She'll never step foot into one of those, and don't talk about her ever. Also, keep your head out of my business before I get you dropped from your team."

"Oh, someones got her panties in a bunch," he says. "Is it because you're single? I can change that you know, I'll be a good boyfriend to you."

"No," I say. "You piss me off."

"Oh come on, you can kiss Kageyama out of jealousy but the moment I come and offer myself as a willing candidate, you turn me down," he shakes his head. "Unbelievable."

"That was a stupid thing I did," I say. "Leave it alone, and stop stalking my whole life story."

"What? I can't help it when Hinata talks about you, you hung out with him a lot in high school with Tsukishima, you know that they still talk. Yeah, they get to talking because they did go to school together," he says. "He knows a lot about what's going on, more than what you do."

"Be quiet," I say squishing his hand with mine. "I don't want to hear any of it."

"Not even about Tsukishima's secret that someone told Ushijima who told Tendo, who talks to Sakusa occasionally who was forced to spill to Bokuto who of course told Hinata, who told me? Isn't that something you'd want to know?" he asks. "Because when I found out I was told I'd get beaten to a pulp if I told you, though I wouldn't mind."

"I don't want to know, it's his private information," I say. "I don't need to hear it, ever."

"Really? Because it might get you back your boyfriend or completely destroy half of your realatioshi[s wither everyone," he says. "Might be important, considering they don't plan on telling you and there's hardly ever a time for us to catch up."

"I don't want to know," I say again. "I'll end up fucking up my life somewhere else, so I really don't need more information to get that done quicker."

"Oh looks like we'll have to cut our catch up short since your kid is making her way here," he says. "And I think I'll help myself to the alcohol in the kitchen before I'm off. Also, Bokuto, Sakusa, and Hinata should be around here, we all got here late."

"Get fucked," I mutter pushing him away.

"I prefer to do the fucking actually," he smiles before disappearing off.

"Y/n!" Kasumi exclaims from behind me. "I brought you a present."

"Kasumi I've been looking for-Oh, Tsukishima," I say looking up at him. "Uh, thanks for watching her, I guess."

"Don't worry Y/n, I got lots of photos with him, and I didn't spill anything," Kasumi winks, smiling at me.

"Um, thanks," I say taking her hand. "Uh, I'll see you around Tsukishima."

"Oh hecky Nah," she quickly slips her hand out of mine.

"Don't worry Y/n," Bokuto says walking over the extremely awkward 'reunion'. "I'll watch her, you catch up with Tsukipoo."

"Don't call me that," Kei grumbled, but not objecting.

"No, I really-," I start.

"No, listen to me," Kasumi says forcing my hand into Kei's. "You can dance while we get snacks, I promise we won't take long."

And with that, Bokuot and Kasumi are off to god knows where leaving me with Kei.

"We really don't have to," I say trying to slip my hand away from his. "This feels... I don't know..."

"We don't have to do anything," he says grabbing my other hand. "But it is just a dance after all."

Brielle, we're going back to heartbreak plan one. With the awkward tension and hook-up tendencies.


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