Kasumi bugging Tsukishima in the middle of the night...

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... she's constantly reminding him that he is not dating her mom.

Y/n's pov

Y'know, I really thought that the moment I had the opportunity to be with Kei I'd be all over him, but I guess I'm not as desperate as I thought considering it's February and we got through Valentine's Day.

Now look, just because I haven't kissed him doesn't mean that I don't want to. I am just taking advantage of this opportunity to have him all bothered. I'm not going to confirm this, but I may or may not have gotten him purposely all hot and bothered.

He doesn't like Christopher that much, claims that he gets more than himself, which holds some truth. I mean, I haven't even hugged him, the most he's gotten is hand-holding. But he really thought that he was going to get a new years to kiss, wrong. And on Valentine's day, we spent the night watching movies with Kasumi.

But Kei really is cute in his own way.

He always has Kasumi with him while he's working, even though he doesn't have to. She can stay with me, I actually opened a section for the workers to bring their kids to be taken care of at work. I'd say I'm a pretty good boss, but back to Kei.

He takes her to his practices telling me that she'll have more fun, and he takes her to the museum when he has shifts. So she probably knows that place inside out by now.

But by far the best time of my day is when he shows up at the office with food and Kasumi, he even decided not to be a bitch and bring some for Christopher.

Oh, one last thing to say before we get to our current situation. Anytime he thinks a guy is hitting on me, he'll hit them with this line "Just because she's single, doesn't mean she's actually single so back off". Like... what the fuck does that even mean?

Anyway, we're on our way to Tokyo, road trip baby. Well not really.

"Where are we going?" Kasumi asks.

"You know where we're going," I laugh since that's the sixth time she's asked... in the past five minutes. "We're going to Tokyo."

"And what day is it tomorrow?" she asks.

"It's drink wine day," Kei says. "Guess you'll have to sit this fun out."

"Mister, you're on thin ice," Kasumi says. "One last guess, if you mess around again, you won't even have the luxury of sleeping in the name room as my mom."

Damm girl.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," he says. "I know that it's your birthday."

"You're not funny," she says giving a solid kick to the back of his seat. "Tomorrow is my birthday, be excited."

"I am excited," he says. "Very excited, don't kick my seat."

"We are going to use knife shoes tomorrow!" she exclaims. "Knife shoes, like the one on the bracelet! I'm so excited!"

"I remember using knife shoes for the first time," I smile. "I still suck, but it's fun."

"I hope you trip and fall while your skating," Kei says.

"Why? So you can catch, my mom? And though my mom's waist? That's pretty weird of you mister," Kasumi says. "She is my mom after all."

"What? No," he says briefly glancing back at her. "I just want her to fall."

"Oh so she can bonk her head and you have to kiss it better, why are you so obsessed with my mom?" she asks. "You just have to have her? Can't you let a woman live goddammit?"

"This is what happens when I leave her with Bunny for one afternoon," I say. "I'm not surprised."

"Stop using my mom, because my mom will call big guy to beat you up," she says. "My mom does not need a man in her life."

"What about this drawing you made of us at a wedding?" Kei asks holding up a drawing. "What's this all about?"

"Gimme that," she says snatching it out of his hand. "I can have dreams that don't line up with my words, haven't you met my mom? She does that all the time."

"I know that," he says. "I know Y/n."

"No no no, she's not Y/n, she is my mom," she says. "Get that in your head blondie."

"You do realize that your hair is blonder than mine right?" he asks.

"And what about it?" she asks. "I could be bald and people would still call me cute. And I don't even like you."

"Okay, so tomorrow you and Y/n will go play with knife shoes with Y/n and I'll stay in out of the snow," he says.

"What? No, you have to come with us," she says. "You have to come, then it's not going to be as fun then. Mom, tell Kei that he has to come with us, this is supposed to be a fun soon to be family time."

"God, she's basically a carbon copy of you," Kei says. "Just the same."

"So what?" I ask.

"So nothing," he says. "You're both annoying, but she can get away with it."

"And I can't?" I question.

"Well, you can get away with it for now," he says.

"You can sleep in the tub at the hotel," I say.

"What? I didn't even do anything," he says. "I'm not sleeping in a tub, the hotel room is under my name. I'll sleep in the other bed but I am not sleeping in a tub."

"Too bad," I smile. "You have no choice."

"I'm not sleeping in the tub," he says.

"Fine, you can sleep in the bed," I say.

"The bed?" he asks.

"The bed being the bed Kasumi and I aren't sleeping in," I say.

"If you think about it, we'd save more money if we just got a one bed sweet," he says.

"Of you think about it, there's a kid here and you're getting nothing," I say.

"I am not thinking about that," he scoffs. "I just want... I love you Y/n."

"Thank you, Kei," I say.

"When can we date again?" he asks.

You know what Kei, I changed my mind, I don't want to make the first move. You can kiss me whenever you want to, just do it.

"Hey, what's that face for?" he asks. "What's that mean?"

"What about my face?" I ask.

"You made a face," he says. "What were you thinking?"

"Nothing," I shrug. "Nothing at all."

I actually feel like I'm going to omit for some reason.


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